This is an old custom, I just found the other day in a box of stuff. Let me see if I can remember what he is made from: I made him around 2004 when the Original Trilogy Collection came out. I think he still stands the test of time as my Ultimate Empire Strikes Back Yoda. He is made from the Vintage OTC Yoda body (is there a better Yoda body yet?). I used the POTF2 cooking pot Yoda (I think it was the flashback) head with the real hair. I trimed the hair because it was way too long. I had to cut off the neck and dremel out the head to fit on the ball joint of the OTC body. I used the OTC flute and cane. The robe and belt are from a Vintage 1980 Yoda. I would like to find a better belt for him. The base was from one of the OTC Dagobah figures that was painted and turf and grass was added. I think that is acurate, it has been 7 years since I made him. He is still my favorite Yoda figure, he has been "lost" for a couple of years when I moved. I am glad I found him!
BTW, I hope to start posting more here, you guys rock! I have just been so busy....
Oh, and here is the finished Speeder Bike Dio: