Tamer: Those were good times...when I was in Michigan for 5 months a decade ago it felt like 30 cases of TVC figures, Clone Wars, SAGA Legends, vehicles, Battle Packs just at one single meijer store. I so wish I had taken pictures of this Incredible selection and pegs just filled with amazing stuff!
Yes, Princess Leia was part of Wave 9 back in 2009 and numbered BD19. I wonder if this is coincidence since Carrie Fisher was just 19 when she got her tole in ANH. BD19 usually goes for 35-50€ loose here in Germany now. And yes, she did come with alternate legs, which you can see standing seperately behind Yaddle.
ghostskull18: Wow, two Bobas at retail? That's a rare event. AS far as I know people go crazy for him around the globe. Nice score!