Happy birthday to me!! I ordered a TBS X-wing helmet (Luke) loose from ebay the other day and I was hoping to get it before me vacation. I got it today.
It's pretty cool. The padding is held in place by velcro, and the straps by snap button. It's kind of comfy, I feel real safe inside. The visor slides up or down into position. The non functional microphone is adjustable with metal flextube. The paint aps are good enough, and the weathering is pretty cool. The plastic is preassembled it's sturdy with no obvious seam lines. I haven't tested the electronics. I have an idea to convert it into a gaming headset. I almost got the Wedge Antilles helmet but Luke's is iconic with a more complex paint job.
I got my offworld jawas too from cramazon they were delayed but now i have them.
The cards were good, but the bubbles were all smashed up because they put in the air bag packing material thing, which was unnecessary. Im just going to open them anyway.