I realized the other day I needed a good 3.75" Darth Vader figure. So I looked around, read some reviews and decided on the Black series #26 Vader. Some say it's the best, others say it's the worst. I think it's tremendous. Yeah, it's ROTS version, but I don't really care, it's just a great figure. The head sculpt looks good, right shape, size and it isn't deformed. The articulation is superb, and the joints are well hidden. The best thing about it is, it doesn't have the soft goods chain around his neck. I hate that, it looks like Flavor Flav, or Vader flav. So vast improvement in that department. A lot of folks complain about the head falling off, but I've had no problems at all. The only complaint I have, is the sheer cape, that all Vader figures have, I could replace it easily enough, if I can find suitable material. So cool figure. I give Hasbro a hard time sometimes, but i have to give them credit when they make a great figure.