Well Clint my man you sure don't have any rust on you thats for sure.
That figure looks fantastic. I love all those outlined areas on the armor and know we are in for even more and man that copper t vizor is just tops. I have got to see that on a Driver one day.
I am anxious to see how you outfit this guy as far as weaponry. One of those big cannons you mass produce would look good, but not sure thats what your going for with this guy.
Well you know, Tamer, for some reason an rc custom just seems to warrant the Ole Painless gun and I am getting together the parts for one as I type this. Since he has the dc 17 rocket rounds on his backpack, I guess he will need one of those as well.
Chrome or copper for a driver's visor, eh. I will have to remember that. Oh, I am plenty rusty but if I do this everyday for a while, it will come back.
Clint, this is one awesome figure.
I can look at your paint apps for hours in total awe and admire your work.
thanks alot Volker. I think that it will look better once I clean up.
thanks AT!
i really like those