Ok, so its only been slightly more than a year since i have posted in here but I finally got some time off from work which has had me swamped since March and while the getting is good, I have the bug to build again.
This is the simplest of beginnings but ever since I got a casting of a female mando chest piece going, I have been itching to try my hand at a female mando figure. It seems like a common starting point for some has been the Joe baroness figure and I spied one at a second hand store today and rushed her home so that I could start cutting on her. I plan on using a different head, possibly a casting of the mrs vizsla head if that mold turns out. i wont find out about that one until later tonight when the mold is cured. I have a cod piece armor plate for her and want to scrounge a belt as well. as far as armor for the arms and legs, we shall see what I can come up with but one things for sure, those high heels have got to go.
I am going to check the fodder bins for a belt now, wish me luck.