Yes, I am slow making progress here but sitting in a dentist's chair for 2.5 hours today didnt help my motivation any.
I decided that tonight I wanted to try to fit one of those back armor pieces onto the latest femando body.
shots 1-4 show me test fitting where for the most part, I heated the top straps to move them as close as possible to match the ones coming from the front armor piece.
I will have to remember next time to move those front straps so that they are evenly spaced and more user friendly with the back straps.
Now came time to sculpt over the gaps in between the two pieces and kind of force the transition of the straps from front to back. As I had told Spry before, I work with resin so much that I might as well use it to sculpt with, at least for something like this. Shot 5 shows some fresh resin spread along the areas to sculpt with a knife. Shot 6 shows the area after the resin somewhat cured and I had worked on it with a hobby knife.
Next, I did some painting to cover up our patch, worked more of that dark weathered rust color for her armor, and painted her barrel of fun party belt, leg mounted knife, and leg straps with the german green grey color. I like how it looked and went ahead and carried it up to her shoulder straps. I think when we get the holster on her in the same color, it might help detract from that Bastilla Shan feeling about her color scheme. Now, some touch ups are still needed as always and I haven't even broke out that yellow color again as of yet. The shot of the painted back looks a bit rough but there is time to pretty it up. I stuck her head back on with her gauntlet hands for the last shot but the gauntlets still need some paint work and hadnt gotten their darker dirty red treatment or their details painted as of this time. Oh well, I'm getting closer anyways.