Master Spry, thank's for watching my back!!! WHEW! someone who didn't know the Yards etiquette, could have been nasty
I was touched man...Touched!
Stefan, mistakes can be made my insanely awesome creator of awesomeness! but you are forgiven... I will explain. Darkchild was my previous Photo novel, which in terms of man hours must be similar to your scratch-build projects, it literally sucked everything out of me to the point where I became slightly obsessed. I created these great movies using images and special effects software, and I tried to outdo myself with every new release. I simply got to a point where it wasn't fun any more, so I had to put the project down, much to the disappointment of Master Sprywalker, who's young son used to love watching the movies.
I ended up creating this really cool box set containing all of the central characters, some images and a mini display diorama and sent it to Sprywalker Jnr, so the story did have a happy ending...Which is why Master Sprywalker is very protective...
p.s Master you man!!!