Jedi Temple Archives have discovered a new wave for 2011:
CW70: Clone Trooper Corporal Comet
CW71: Chewbacca
CW72: Sugi
CW73: ARC Trooper Commander (Yellow)
CW74: Tarfful
As well as some rumoured battle packs:
*Delta Squad (Boss, Fixer, Scorch, Sev)
*Maridun Defense (Commander Bly, Lok Durd, Tee Watt Kaa, Wag Too)
*Kamino Leaders (Commander Colt, ARC Trooper Commander, ARC Trooper Captain, ARC Trooper Lieutenant)
*Vassek Infiltration (Kit Fisto, Commander Fil - other figures unknown)
And Rebelscum have discovered a rumour about these to figures:
*Commander Blackout Figure
*Assassin Spider Droid & Clone