Well it has been busy as usual. I know I am long overdue for an update. I am having a heck of a time.
First, I got diagnosed this week via MRI with disk degenerative disease. I haven't met with the doc to see what the cure involves, but I hope it involves some good pills. My back has been on fire since June! At least the doc has an excellent reputation as both a pain management guy and a neurologist. So maybe he can fix my head too!
Second, I went home last night to a slighly askew outbuilding due to the high wind. I spent all yesterday evening putting the daggone thing back together and it was well after dark. I woke up this morning to see only one sid partially standing. I have never seen wind like we have had the past couple days. I am hoping my home owners covers at least some of it. Now I have to break down and finally get a good one. There goes my money for SW for a bit.
Third, I found out that we now have a new "defined" retirement plan. That part is good as now we are out of the stinking stock market so I know I will at least have a retirement when I meet the requirements to draw it. The only drawback is now, since it is a one point percent increase in premiums I now have to buy back into the daggone thing. Luckily for me I had another retirement system they are gonna allow me to just transfer some funds for it. The bad news is the wife doesnt so we are gonna have to cash out my retirement, whats left of it, pay horrendous taxes on it, and then will still probably owe a few thousand so she can retire the same time I do.
When it rains it pours no?
On the bright side, my little girl is still rasing cain and I am slowly but surely getting finished wth the office cabinets downstairs. I might not be able to buy anything for it anytime soon, but it is progressing. I also got back my deadlined desktop and that turned out to be just a power supply and not a motherboard so that was good.