Ok, I am irritated. My wife noticed our satellite tv bill went up twenty dollars a month so she called and was going to cancel our service, but magically they were doing a free upgrade to hdtv, you could replace your old recievers with new dvrs, and lock in a lower rate than we were paying now for two years. I am glad to report that that part was true and I am now watching my new tv with HD and wow is it awesome. So, ultimately I am gonna be alright, but the installers left my house a freaking disaster area.
They had to install a new dish and I am glad they didn't put it on the roof as I think that would lead to roof leaks down the road. My mother in law (who was watching my little girl at home) was gonna watch em for me and I don't blame her a bit, but she didn't check my basement before they left. Well you could literally follow the trail of mud they left in every room it was that bad. I am not talking about a spot here and there, but a daggone trail. Ok, I spend a couple hours cleaning that up. Then, I look at how they run the wires and see they started off running them in the holes I had for all the wires through one side of my floor joists, but then for some reason they just stopped and started using cable clamps and screwing them to the bottom of my floor joist (right beside the daggone holes I had cut through them) and ran the daggone coax right on my dryer vent pipe on their way to my breaker box. Now, I could see things hanging there and notice some open cables there now and while I had hoped they might take down the old sdtv dish and wires I can live with the fact that I might have to do that myself, but seeing open wires means I have do that now as some of them evidently still some charge to my old sdtv upstairs as I shocked myself checking out the wires. Ok, dummy me for getting into those wires as I should know better. Then, I go outside to check the new dish they installed right outside my basement door (looks like I am extending a flower bed this spring) I can see they ran the wires inside my house in what is going to be my bathroom downstairs and that looks good (new rubber insulation grommets where they go into the house which I liked) and then when I took a quick glance in my bathroom I see one wall that has mud smears from the top of the wall to the bottom.
So, I instead of going out to eat with my family I spent it cleaning up the new installation. Now, my tv seems great and it is easy to see the difference from sd to hdtv so I do like that with the deal they are giving us. I am just upset that the install crew didn't pick up a bit after themselves before they left. I can handle a bit of dirt, heck I do that myself, but after cleaning up for a few hours at the least I am gonna have to repaint one of my bathroom walls, change the cable route so its not up against my daggone dryer vent, and rerun said cable back into the floor joists that are just a few inches away from where they used the daggone cable clamps. I guess it could be the fact that it has been a rough few weeks dealing with my little girl being sick and just feeling like I haven't caught up on my sleep, but I feel like giving the foreman of the dish install crew a couple what fors in regard to how they leave a house after they install an hdtv satellite dish. I have learned to always at the very least sleep on things when I am angry and then approach them again the next day. I still think I might call to let em know that while I like the service, I didn't appreciate the mess the crew left. What do you guys think? Should I just bite it and do it right and shut my trap or call and give em the Tamer Two cents?
I can also see it has been awhile since I have posted here so perhaps I need to keep this up a bit. Thanks for reading my vent folks, I already feel a bit better.