I understand where you're coming from. Like you say sometimes "a shot" is all we get here stateside. I cannot speak for everyone though, as I live in a rural area and see less product than say someone living in a more urbanized area would. I agree in what you say about Hasbro and TRU's dirty under the table dealings with things like the vintage line. Granted the Clone Wars line is a little easier to find, and is probably the driving force of all the SW lines for the big H. But the other lines like the Saga Legends, and Vintage collections are often overlooked and are distributed less frequently if at all. Honestly if I am hunting for something other than Clone Wars, I have to head to a TRU (which the only one in driving distance if well over an hours drive for me) and if they have anything at all it's usually the pegwarmers or empty pegs. I'll get lucky once in awhile and head for a Target and I'll get the occasional treasure or two. The long and short of it: Hasbro's distribution sucks no matter what part of the globe you're on. TRU and Hasbro's shady agreements usually limits what product gets shipped to where and even then most other retailers i.e. Target, Wal-Mart, ect. don't even bother to order any other cases other than Clone Wars. I too rely on e-tailers and the secondary market to fill the gaps in my collection, which also like you say is proving more difficult.