Thank you very very much hangarbay94! It's always high praise indeed coming from the guy behind -THE- best fancomic series, XWA.
Hoping to get the next issue (and last one of Volume Two!) up sometime in the first week of January, and then it is on to Volume Three!
So much good stuff planned for the next volume.
The 501st! Including characters from the TV series like Rex, Jesse, Tup and Kix.
Quinlan Vos! One of the Dark Horse comics' best characters is going to play an important role in the next volume.
Mandalorians! The motley band of thugs who called themselves Mandalorians in Volume Two will return, and they're going to learn what it means to be REAL Mandalorians.
And that will just be the first issue! Lots more surprises over the horizon, including finally being able to get a character into the comic that I've been struggling to find a way to do so since FOREVER (some of you may remember who that is. Clue; he's very hard to kill).