It would be hard to improve upon the articulation of previous releases. As before he has a ball jointed head, ball hinged shoulders, elbows, knees and ankles. He has swivel wrists and a ball jointed torso. As I mentioned before the new sculpt of the forearms and connected tubes has greatly improved the range of motion in the elbows. This is a great improvement as far as I’m concerned, not so much for using his pistols but if you wanted to give him a two handed weapon he can now hold it more comfortably.
In the past there has been a lot of worry about the colour scheme used for Jango Fett. The last few releases have been distinctively purple. I passed up buying the Genosis Target exclusive of Jango for just this reason. Fortunately this version has come a lot closer to the screen accurate gray-blue. The other paint apps are crisp and clean. I feel like I’m glossing over this section of the review but other than the change to the colour scheme there isn’t a lot new to talk about.