With the new custom contest on EpVII character takes going on here and @ Yakface.com, I figured I'd throw my hat in the ring. It's been awhile since I posted a new custom; ah, such is life.
Here's a character I've been thinking of as some kind of trusted adviser for an older Master Luke Skywalker (and one member of a rather small Jedi Order). He'd be one of only a handful of Jedi that actually have been trained, as Luke was somewhat fearful for a time of potentially training another Force-user that might fall to the dark side. In my mind, this guy (name: TBD) would likely be stationed on a dry backwater, Outer Rim world (Tatooine, Saluecami, etc.), decided to use a modified vibro-blade staff that can rebel lightsaber strikes, and be dressed in a dignified, but utilitarian way suited for life on those types of planets.
I recently bought a pack of Aves Fixit sculpt and I've used this character as a way to practice simple sculpting (belts, harnesses, etc.) so I can improve my skills over time. (*Sorry for the blurry photo of the backside: my Canon CyberShot doesn't always focus as well as I'd like for up-close images like custom figures...and I'm not ready to invest in a better camera at this point either.)
I posted this guy over on the current custom content site as well, but also here for those who don't frequent that forum: