Having done several of these style bashes I know what went into doing this... I only have one criticism, the lower joe torso you used is too long for the figure to look proportioned. He looks fine standing by himself but as soon as you put him next to another figure it's going to look kinda off. Also with the longer torso and legs it makes the figure much taller than most SW (and even joe) Figures.... this makes it dificult to find vehicles that he will fit into! I used a similar sized torso to build a super arty tie pilot and with the helmet and everything he just BARELY fit into the cockpit of the tie, and would not fit into anything else.... same problems with my at-at drivers, they can't stand up in the cockpit of even the new BIG-at-at...
anyway... there are some figures that I think you should look for to try and swap the lower body out with, you can just switch the legs to the new torsos.
the shortest and probably best lower joe torso to use for star wars figures is the B.A.T. figure's (same one I used on my mando for the contest).
but the BAT torso doesn't line up well with the scout trooper's parts. The best figure's I've found for the scout trooper chest/upper half is the Resolute Cobra Viper. the torso on that figure fits almost PERFECT with the scout trooper chest... or there is one version of commander Flint from the POC line that has a nice lower torso as well.
unless you've glued in the peg joint from the lower torso into the scout trooper's upper or if you've glued the chest halves back together it should be pretty easy to swap out the torsos to a shorter one if you find one that works better.
Like I said, on his own he looks great and the kit-bash is realy well done... its just that he's going to be problematic if you take it further and eventually get him into a vehicle. of course... this might not be an issue so he's fine as he is! (i'm talking in circles, it's time for bed...)