Author Topic: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View  (Read 126983 times)

Offline DarthSinister

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><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« on: March 12, 2011, 11:29:14 PM »

I'm new to the ShipYards and I must say I'm very excited to be here!

I've lurked out here in limbo for a while and observed some of the most talented, well rounded people in the Star Wars community I've ever seen! The art, customs and fiction are absolutely top notch.

I'd like to say hello to some of my good friends out there, LukeSprywalker-Doc Outlands- HangerBay94. Hello guys! I hope I do this site justice. Your encouragement and inspiration over the last few years has driven me to better myself in this wonderful hobby.

For those of you who don't know me I'd like to give a brief introduction. I've been posting on the Scum for about a year and a half doing photoshop work, a few customs and custom heads. Prior to that I was a spectator with only a little natural artistic talent and had never done any custom work at all.

I'm an "old timer". Meaning, I was 10 years old when I stood in line at my local theater to see the first Star Wars movie in 1977. I'm a big OT guy, I like the Prequels ... but to me the OT rules. I don't have to explain that to any of you who saw ANH in theaters in 1977. There was nothing like it at the time, and from the first scene of the Star Destroyer in pursuit of the Blockade Runner to the Ceremony on the moon of Yavin IV I was changed forever.

I am also an old movie buff. I absolutely can't get enough of films from the 1920's to the 1970's and of coarse TurnerClassicMovies is my favorite channel. There's something about that golden era of Hollywood that just resonates with me. I actually started out as a big Western fan and branched out from there. Which brings me to my task at hand....

I started this over at the Scum and I'd like to continue it here. I had done a series of  "VIRTUAL CUSTOMS" at RebelScum in October 2009 for Halloween called "DARK LORDS OF THE SITH". These "VC's" were based on classic Hollywood horror, featuring the GREATS as Sith Lords. I've since had a little time in the evenings to "re-vamp" (no pun intended) a few of these in a more realistic form to share with all of you. I firmly believe that IF these actors were alive or able (in the case of Vincent Price) to be utilized, George Lucas would have considered them for roles as villains in the Star Wars movies; based on his casting choices with Peter Cushing, Dave Prowse and Christopher Lee of coarse.

So without further Adieu I give you "DARK LORDS OF THE SITH", ShipYards style...

First up from the dark days of the OLD REPUBLIC comes DARTH VEREOR.

VEREOR Latin word meaning: to respect, fear, be in dread of, to be afraid.

And frightening he was. Before the rule of only two this Dark Lord of the Sith rallied several others of his kind to raise armies and rise up against the Republic and the Jedi who protected it. His reign of terror lasted thirty years and his brutality earned him the nickname "The Impaler". His maddened quest for ultimate rule over the galaxy became watered down as he aged and through the Dark Side of the Force he began to search for immortality. This search distracted the Dark Lord from his ultimate goal and caused him to become reckless eventually leading to his demise at the hands of an elder Jedi, Helson Von Abrah. Vereor's death was the nail in the coffin for his bloody rebellion and his compatriots were hunted down and tried soon after.
Of coarse a tribute to BELA LUGOSI. DARTH VEREOR's pet Nexu is named Blasko' which is the real sir name of Lugosi.

This one is a tribute to the late great Boris Karloff...

"Darth" has always been a popular sir name for the Sith Lords but I figured there were others as well.

NAGA is Indonesian and through certain dialects can refer to many things. In this case it is definitely evil and refers to the serpent or Dark Serpent.

RAJA from Sanskrit is the term for Monarch or King.

NAGA RAJA was the King of the Hidden Sith. He conceived the group and was the all powerful leader of it. Even the Masters within the society called him Master and feared his power and he saw them all as his children.
Raja discovered the gloomy world hidden far out past the Mobus Crescent and named it Erebus. There he quietly built a Sith society and with their help an Army to over take the New Republic.

This took place one hundred years after the Battle of Endor after the Republic and the Jedi had began to come into their own again. Luke Skywalker and many of the old Rebellion Era heroes had since passed on. The only remaining were Leia Organa Solo and watching over the frail woman the elderly Wookie Chewbacca and the droids C-3PO and R2-D2.
NAGA RAJA did not have an apprentice per say, but chose the first of an experimental army as his body guard. The one he called KASAR (Indonesian: Brutish) was loyal to his Master, Raja, and was accompanied by several droids that served as spies for the King. RAJA controlled the droids and the brute KASAR by channeling the power of the Dark Side through a mysterious Holocron.

The next Master of Horror was always a favorite of mine as a kid and although he did a lot of campy movies he was always at the top of my viewing list on Sunday morning monster movies! The illustrious Vincent Price! Here I've put him in a familiar mad scientist character and tipped my hat to one of his great movies 1959 thriller 'The Tingler'.

ZOMB this is from zombie of coarse.
NAGA ZOMB was the right hand of NAGA RAJA and helped the Dark Lord literally "raise" an army. Using hired hands from mercenaries to bounty hunters the Sith abducted their army from anywhere they could and in some cases used the hired scum as well. Through the Dark Side of the Force NAGA ZOMB focused his experimental and surgical prowess to create a mindless, obedient and very dangerous soldier for RAJA'S army.
After discovering the zbârnâi, a creature indigenous to Erebus that fed off of the sentient mind and allowed total control of it's victim through the Force, ZOMB was able to find a balance of parasitic, Force control and technology to create his monsters.
His apprentice NAGA XENO often assisted in the process by bringing unwilling test subjects to his Master. XENO was a vicious protector to his Master and also controlled the guardians, the Ophion, of the caverns Avernus that led to the Hidden Sith Temple on Erebus.

As kids how many time were you guys werewolves for Halloween? I know that was an old standard for me several times over.

These next two are based of that legend and the master is none other than Lon Chaney Jr.

LUPUS is Latin for wolf.
From Norse mythology WARG is a certain wolf.
DARTH LUPIS was strong in the Dark Side of the Force and along with his apprentice DARTH LUPUS led a great deal of the Hidden Sith fighting force created by Naga Zomb. DARTH WARG, a Shistavanen Darksider, was solely loyal to his master and Naga Raja kept a watchful eye on the two knowing that there combined ambition was a dangerous asset.

Okay up next is another tribute to the classic Vampire flick.  Max Schreck as the vampire Count Orlok in the 1922 film Nosferatu which was ahead of it's time and to me came off as very spooky even for a silent film.

VILE Middle English meaning: Loathsome; disgusting.

DARTH VILE was a frightening presence, an alien of unknown origin he was taken in by Darth Plaga after the Dark Lord recognized the creatures prowess in the Force. VILE developed a Dark Side power unique to himself in which he was able to disorient an opponent to the point of physical illness and incapacitation, striking his victims at their most vulnerable moment.  Plaga recklessly taught Vile everything he knew and in turn Vile used it against him and took his place as one of several ruling Lords in the 'Hidden Sith'.

There will be more to come. Dark Lords as well as other silver screen tributes meshed into the Star Wars universe. I hope you all enjoy the few that I've created so far.

Thanks a million.


Offline Clonehead

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2011, 06:09:54 AM »
Welcome to the Shipyards' DS! My brother and I love those old Monster movies and I like this fresh approach to celebrating those great villians of old.

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2011, 07:37:40 AM »
Oh this is just fantastic. Nice to meet you and welcome.

Needless to say this is on the front page. I wish I had your graphics and language skills!

Offline beige-4

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2011, 07:39:35 AM »
yep , this is awesome no doubt about that !!

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2011, 07:42:47 AM »
Charles, you broke out the key pad and started posting! YES! I love your virtual customs and really love this latest batch! Awesome ideas and execution! Love the execution as the shots are simply awesome! Excellent logic and history behind each creation. Very well done my friend!

Now, just so everyone knows Charles is the creator of the head for my Jaxxon custom. Everyone was asking about it when I was working on that figure so I figured I would throw it out there. Charles, I will be glad to see you get your home building projects over so I can buy more of your most excellent casts. I have another figure in the works that features another of your casts, just have a good bit of dremeling to do...

Offline Phatty

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2011, 03:41:08 PM »
DS, Those are quite expertly done, and I can definitely get a feel for the old school Karlof movies!  Glad to see these on the front page, because it's well deserved.

Offline DarthSinister

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2011, 06:53:13 PM »
Welcome to the Shipyards' DS! My brother and I love those old Monster movies and I like this fresh approach to celebrating those great villians of old.

Thanks CLONEHEAD! They make great Dark Lords don't they.  I'm very much driven by nostalgia from that simpler time.

By the way, love the video reviews and your castings are outta the park!

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2011, 06:53:42 PM »
Darth, a warm welcome to the Yards!

Well, what an amazing first post! you seem to have captured the essence of the original saga so completely with your artwork. All along Lucas had intended Star Wars to be like an old Flash Gordon movie, and you have really explored his idea in an art form I've not seen before.

Really excellent images all of them.

I hope you stick around and share more of your hobby with us.

Offline DarthSinister

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2011, 07:03:19 PM »
Oh this is just fantastic. Nice to meet you and welcome.

Needless to say this is on the front page. I wish I had your graphics and language skills!

Thanks TAMER! Thank you very much for the front page props! It's a great thing that you guys feature your members out front like that. I don't see the other sites doing that and in all honesty the great customs, art, videos and fan-fic are the real headlines.

My graphics are all self taught. I'm trying to improve as I go. As for my language skills, I'm surprised it all came out as good as it did because of my late night post. I was getting pretty tired!

Offline DarthSinister

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2011, 07:07:52 PM »
yep , this is awesome no doubt about that !!

Thank you beige-4! I certainly do appreciate it!

Offline DarthSinister

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2011, 07:20:45 PM »
Luke Sprywalker
Charles, you broke out the key pad and started posting! YES! I love your virtual customs and really love this latest batch! Awesome ideas and execution! Love the execution as the shots are simply awesome! Excellent logic and history behind each creation. Very well done my friend!

Now, just so everyone knows Charles is the creator of the head for my Jaxxon custom. Everyone was asking about it when I was working on that figure so I figured I would throw it out there. Charles, I will be glad to see you get your home building projects over so I can buy more of your most excellent casts. I have another figure in the works that features another of your casts, just have a good bit of dremeling to do...

Thank you much my friend! As you already know these are a rehash of sorts. They are brand new renders though of the "VC" characters I did over at the Scum. These of coarse are meant to be on a more realistic scale rather than action figures.  I'm going to try to do the rest in time, but my mind is full of new stuff that I just have to get out so that MAY precede the rest of my Dark Lords.

I am anxious to get back to real customizing and head sculpts but as you stated the houses come first. Also the home we've moved into is not fully unpacked and of coarse my office and workbench is last in line.

Offline Kualan

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2011, 07:22:37 PM »
Those are some deliciously evil-looking Dark Lords. Very well done!

Offline DarthSinister

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2011, 07:25:25 PM »
DS, Those are quite expertly done, and I can definitely get a feel for the old school Karlof movies!  Glad to see these on the front page, because it's well deserved.

Thank you muchly Phatty! I love the old monster movies, but they're only the tip of the iceberg. Look for more old favorites to shake up a little nostalgia!

Offline DarthSinister

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2011, 07:37:44 PM »
Darth, a warm welcome to the Yards!

Well, what an amazing first post! you seem to have captured the essence of the original saga so completely with your artwork. All along Lucas had intended Star Wars to be like an old Flash Gordon movie, and you have really explored his idea in an art form I've not seen before.

Really excellent images all of them.

I hope you stick around and share more of your hobby with us.

Thank you my friend! It's funny you mentioned Flash Gordon because when I do these renderings I always try to keep that idea in the back of my mind. Staying true to Lucas' original vision is my main goal.

I will be staying around here. I think one of the things I like most about this site is the collaboration that goes on between artists. I hope to get in on that goodness once I'm a little more settled at home. Of coarse this does not mean I wont flop between here and RebelScum.

Offline DarthSinister

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Re: ><DarthSinister>< Presents: A Different Point Of View
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2011, 07:44:51 PM »
Those are some deliciously evil-looking Dark Lords. Very well done!

Thanks Kualan! I feel like the characters and actors I use for these guys make them feel like some seriously threatening Sith Lords. To me the Sith Lords in modern EU seem to be a bit inadequate.