Author Topic: The Force Is Strong With Him!  (Read 61571 times)

Offline darthdaddy

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The Force Is Strong With Him!
« on: March 27, 2011, 11:12:55 AM »
The Force Is Strong With Him!

Elias and I came across this post on Action Figure Empire and we asked if we could post it on our blog too!  When Elias saw a fellow Star Wars collector who shared his name and who was in need of my assistance, we jumped at the chance to offer a hand.   We'll be sending some custom action figures  his way and we have a feeling you all will too.  We've been informed that he'd like a version of himself as a Padawan.  We checked and we couldn't find an appropriate body for the job.  I'll look around on ebay,  and see if I can find one.  If anyone has a body for the job and wants to volunteer for the project, his picture is below.  If not I'll try and locate one.  If there is one thing I know about the customizing community it's the desire of the community to get involved in projects such as this. Therefore, I figured I'd get the word out to as many of you as possible.

If anyone wants to front page this it would be cool.

The original post appears below:

Today I want to turn this blog's attention to the story of a young Star Wars action figure collector named Eli. Eli is madly passionate about all things Star Wars and Star Wars toys. He's an outgoing little guy with a great big smile and he's also into arts and crafts, and World War 2. Eli is has been diagnosed with a rare life-threatening disease called Severe Aplastic Anemia, a disease of the bone marrow. Severe Aplastic Anemia also affects the immune system making it difficult for those who have it to be out in public. You can imagine how this makes it hard to get out and do things, visit with people, or even shop for Star Wars toys. We here at Action Figure Empire call for your support for young Eli, a fan, and a collector who needs all the support he can get right now. We ask that you donate one or more, Star Wars toys of any kind to Eli. You can Include a message of your own to Eli if you wish as well. Eli will be delighted to receive your generous donations. Please send them to:

Action Figure Empire
114 Oak Street Apt. D
Maybrook, NY 12543

From there we at AFE will then forward your generous donations to Eli. AFE is proud to create and participate in the official Toys for Eli Toy Drive. Please take a moment to contribute to Eli's Star Wars action figure collection. Every donation you give helps!

We give the Official Action Figure Empire Salute to Eli and his family.

Thank you for reading this and thank you so much for your donations!

May The Force Be With You All!


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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2011, 12:02:26 PM »
Right now I'm sending le ep1 ani so he work his magic on a custom will find something else and send thanks darthdaddy for bringing this to our attention  ;D

Offline darthdaddy

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2011, 01:58:41 PM »
When I saw it I talked to Elias and we knew right away we wanted to participate.  I'm really happy that there are other customizers that are hopping right on board too.  Now, I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to send.  I'll post whatever it is on here.  Everyone else can do the same if they wish.  I wish I was there too see him open all these things.

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2011, 02:46:37 PM »
Do We Know What are Some Of Eli's Favorite Characters Are?
I Have Some Unopened Saga2 and TAC Figures I Want To Send Him,
But Would Like to know What his Favorites Are.


Offline Phatty

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2011, 03:40:01 PM »
Darth Daddy, are you taking up a collection?  If not a formal one, then we here at ISY will start one.  Let me know ASAP and we'll get cracking on this.  We need to ship this guy plenty of goodies!  I'd really like to send him a complete TCW collection, at very least from this year.  Yarders, start gathering your extras because one way or another, we're going to take care of this young man!

Offline darthdaddy

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2011, 04:08:03 PM »
Not taking a collection just sending something in and passing on the word.  I tried to obtain requests as to what he wanted, but I was only told about the Padawan in his likeness.  If I hear anything else, I'll let you all know.  In the meantime, post what was sent that way we can reduce the doubles and so Eli knows what's on its way to him.  I'm going to post a link at my blog that goes to this thread and I'll ask Action Figure Empire to pass the link to Eli.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 04:12:50 PM by darthdaddy »

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2011, 04:39:47 PM »
Ok then, let's do this then:  If you are going to send him something, please post it here.  We'll keep track of it all, and reduce chances for doubles.  Let's really try for the entire carded collection of TCW.  C'mon Yarders, let's take care of Eli!

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2011, 06:07:25 PM »
Hey I am glad to see there is some action on this. Dial up stinks so bad. It look me ten minutes for this to load up. Anyhow my first box is leaving tomorrow and should be there in two days. Ofcourse I gave the boy a Hoth fix as well as some Clonetroopers and Doc won two astromech R2's in an auction and donated them to the box I am sending too.

I will ofcourse be glad to add to someone else's box and what not to find the figures he needs. I think carded and loose I am sending him about twenty five to thirty figures.

Offline DocOutlands

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2011, 07:34:08 PM »
Thanks, Tamer!  I knew you'd be sending a box his way - I was just hoping I could get a note to ya before you got a box shipped so those R2's could hitch a ride.

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2011, 05:56:43 AM »
Thanks, Tamer!  I knew you'd be sending a box his way - I was just hoping I could get a note to ya before you got a box shipped so those R2's could hitch a ride.

That they did Doc, that they did!

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2011, 06:41:13 AM »
Hey guys,

TK-9849 of Action Figure Empire ( here. First of all, I just want to say thank you! This is really amazing! Thanks to Elias for posting this here, and thanks to everyone who is rallying for Eli. He's a great little guy with a big heart and he shares our passion for Star Wars and Star Wars action figures! Reading through all the responses on this thread left me speechless. Really awesome to see!

I just heard from Eli's mom that his favorite character is Anakin Skywalker.

As far as dupes go:

A friend in the 501st recently donated a giant box of POTF2 figures and vehicles (I can try to give a more specific list, but lets just say it was nearly as big as he is and definitely an instant collection)

I've been including a figure or two in each shipment from AFE and so far have gotten Eli the latest Saga Legends Bossk and a TVC Sandtrooper (on shelves now)

As I'm sure you know troopers are a sure thing to get. You can never have enough troopers and they all look the same so getting duplicates of them are fine. Encouraged even.

Stay tuned here and on Action Figure Empire for more updates :)

If you have any questions or comments feel free to let me know.

Thanks again and

May the Force Be With You

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2011, 06:49:31 AM »
Welcome TK-9849 you should be getting your first box from me in a day or so.

Thanks for keeping us informed of what he likes.

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2011, 07:07:49 AM »
No problem. Thanks Tamer! I look forward to it!

Seriously though folks, I want everyone who donates to donate only what they can afford, what they are willing to part with, and/or what they want to donate most. Remember this isn't a competition. Please don't go broke giving to charity. That kind of defeats the purpose ;)

With that said, I will not be posting the specifics of your donations nor photos. Eli's mom may choose to post them, but she does not give out names. You may post them on your own, but I don't want anyone to feel their donation is too small or inadequate. I'm sure this goes without saying. If you choose to donate, or support Eli, the AFE toy drive, or his causes then hooray! If not, don't sweat it. This won't be the last toy drive we do. 

Also, I know that custom Lego mini-figs and other custom Lego toys are also popular. Not sure if any of you make them, but I know Eli likes Star Wars Legos (there's a picture of him rocking a Star Wars Lego shirt) so feel free to make/include Legos too.

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Offline Tamer

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2011, 07:17:28 AM »
If I know the Yarders they are a pretty crafty lot, but will do so within their means.

And I do agree this shouldn't be about seeing who donates the most, but bringing some joy to a young lad who may or may not be able to continue his SW fun like we have.

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2011, 08:08:33 AM »
Sounds like he'd fit right in around my place or here at the 'Yards either one.