Author Topic: The Force Is Strong With Him!  (Read 61634 times)

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2011, 08:29:04 AM »
Just got a reply to our message below:

Elias said...

So the toy drive is kicking into high gear. Me and Dad post our blog updates over at Imperial Shipyards and the customizing community over there has really jumped on board. We created a thread for Eli over there that he can check to see what will be heading his way. Luke Sprywalker and Sith Happens have teamed up to make the Padawan version of Eli and the community is working to get him the entire Clone Wars collection. A link to the thread can be found here:

Also Wookielover1138 from the web show "Kessel Run Review" asked if they could also promote the toy drive in her next episode. Her web show could be found here:

Let me know if this would be okay so I can pass the info. on to her and help her get it into her latest episode on time.

I love seeing the Star Wars community joining together to make this all a success.

March 28, 2011 4:48 AM

TK-9849 said...

Sounds like you and your dad have been working overtime on this! That's so awesome! There was recently a video and some photos of Eli opening a huge box of toys from myself and a friend in the 501st. His smiles and excitement were so touching! He apparently didn't have any vehicles yet. We remedied this and now he's got tons (all potf2).

Eli also recently had a private visit with members of the 501st who came out for his bone marrow drive. They had a wonderful time and he was thrilled to meet his friends in the Star Wars universe.

I know Luke Sprywalker and Sith Happens, they do really good work. Excited that they're in on this too! The entire clone wars collection would be really cool. Not sure if he knows of it or watches it. But he will love it I'm sure!

I am familiar with Wookielover1138 and her Kessel Run Review. She's definitely welcome to promote the toy drive and Eli on her show.

Some useful info for that can be found here:!/theforceisstrongwitheli

if she has any questions or wants to talk let me know. Also I post on youtube as Swedishcheesethief so I'll comment under that name on her videos.

Thanks for helping to rally the Star Wars community! I'm so glad we're coming together to help Eli! and he is too!

March 28, 2011 5:56 AM

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2011, 10:12:15 AM »
Thanks for the Repost! :)

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Offline wookielover1138

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2011, 03:37:04 PM »
Thanks for the green light and info Darth Daddy, it helped with the Special Report :) It should be up tonight!!!

To keep the list up to date,  the KRR is sending a  "Space Suit Ahsoka" to add to the CW collection :)

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2011, 04:10:22 PM »
Thanks Wookielover1138! Glad that you're adding another form of publication to the Toys For Eli Toy Drive! We haven't had any videos about it specifically from the Star Wars/Collecting universe. I've watched a few episodes of the KRR and I have to say, even as a non-clone wars collector, it's pretty awesome! I'm thrilled you'll be doing a shout out for him and the toy drive! AFE salutes you! Can't wait to repost it on our page. I'm also sure Eli will be thrilled to get the space suit Ashoka you plan to send along :)

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2011, 05:59:46 PM »
Just finished up the KRR: Special Report on Eli, I hope it helps him get lots of SW toys!!!
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 07:34:11 PM by wookielover1138 »

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2011, 06:07:35 PM »
Action Figure Emporium,

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of a great cause. When I read the story, I felt like I had to help, and am honored to be the first SW community video. Anything else I can do to help, please let me know.

P.S. I plan on having a few things non-CW on the show, please stay tuned ;) Glad to here you've seen the show, and thanks for the nice compliments!

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2011, 06:46:31 PM »
Hey Wookielover1138,

No problem! Glad to have you as a part of this! The more the merrier! I'm thrilled that the Toys For Eli Toy Drive now has a video. I'll definitely be sure to tune in for the non-Clone Wars content. Just FYI we're Action Figure Empire hehe not Emporium... though we do import and export so in a way I guess we are an emporium too. I sent you an email (to your gmail).

Oh and Eli is 6 not 7 :)
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 06:48:13 PM by ActionFigEmpire »

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Offline wookielover1138

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2011, 07:11:39 PM »
Thank you again and Lol about the non-CW content. I received your email, we are making the changes and reposting the video. I feel silly now, I could've sworn I read in one of the articles he was 7, I must have gotten him confused with Darth Daddy's Elias :-[

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2011, 07:32:10 PM »
I swear every time I read/hear "Clone Wars" I think "Clown Wars" in my head... oh dear. I LOVED the Genndy Tartakovsky's take on the Clone Wars! Not super interested in the CGI ones tho. Lucas killed CGI for me with the new trilogy. Thanks so much for understanding and making the changes :) Don't sweat it. What's the difference between 6 and 7 -really- not too much ;)

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2011, 07:39:50 PM »
Lol, that's funny! And again no problem , I understand...sorry about the Emporium thing too. Maybe eventually you will become an emporium, lol :) I look  forward to working together in the future and your blog is great!!! I just uploaded the new version, hope it's ok :)

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2011, 07:56:55 PM »
Heh, don't ask my 6yo that question... you'll get an ear-full!!

Jenn, the girls are excited about the prospect of being included on your show.  What do you need from us?  They have both made customs and have small collections.  (they usually end up begging me into borrowing some of *my* goodies...)

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2011, 08:22:21 PM »
@Wookielover1138: No worries. We all mistakes. I'm a bit new to this whole world of Star Wars Action Figure publications too so we're learning as we go ;) Thanks for liking my blog! Watched the new version of the video and it works much better. Thanks for making the changes. And hey look KRR is famous:      ...wait ...more famous?

@Doc: haha yeah at that age there's a world of difference. When you're old like us--not so much! I'll have to tune in to the show and watch for your kids! They sound really cute!

So I'd love to feature your collections (everyone here on the Yards too) on AFE. We do a "Collector's Spotlight" series where we feature a specific collector's colelction and their website/blog/videos. You can email me images, or I can use links to your pages. Let me know if you and your customs/collections would like to be featured. 

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2011, 08:45:56 PM »
Cute?  Jeez, man!  That's ... ok, that's pretty accurate.  But it's only one facet!  A former Green Beret medic visited for a few days back about a year ago.  As he left, he told me, "You don't have just kids... you have half an A-Team!"  ;D  Depending on what Jenn wants for the KRR segment on them, I suspect you'll learn more about them soon-ish.

So as far as featuring a collection, what are you looking for?  (I haven't even really showed off my piles o' crud here on the 'Yards, actually...)  Action figures only, or "anything Star Wars" or what?

Jenn, awesome vid!  I mean, we're starting to expect that from y'all, naturally.  ;)

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2011, 09:07:38 PM »
Well if the past is any indicator, anything goes (king of). I've featured 2 collectors so far. Flyguy or (based in Australia) and Jedi_Randy from Tales from the Mos Eisley Carinderia (based in the Philippines) and their collections. I posted links to their sites and to Flyguy's series of video tours through his collections. Anything Star Wars is great! Action figures, comics, books, art, costumes, customs, props, statues, busts, legos, etc. Whatever is part of your collection. I am slowly slowly putting all of my collection up online in various photo reviews and things. So anything you want to share would be awesome! Especially if you have a website or blog that I can publicize as part of the feature. It can also be non Star Wars things too, but the main focus will definitely be on Star Wars.

I also do photo requests! Scenes you want to see. Figure mash-ups (new heads, accessories), or I can photograph a figure of yours (the colelctor's) that I don't have. Basically you ship it to me, I take the photos however you wish them to be, or create my own poses and displays and send you the photo(s) to you and ship your figure(s) back to you. Then i can publish the photo(s) on AFE in the style of my current photo review series, you can publish them on your pages and sites, and/or you can just keep the photos as a personalized keep sake of your favorite figure(s). I have a professional quality camera and set up with tons of props, accessories, and other goodies at my disposal. There are some photo requests up on the blog already.

I have the most fun with my photos recreating scenes from the movies, inventing new "What if..." type scenes, and building sets and stages for the figures out of the many bits of Star Wars stuff I have laying around.

"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
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"For the Empire!"

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Re: The Force Is Strong With Him!
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2011, 09:24:16 PM »
Sounds like a lot of fun!  I also added me as a follower on your blog (if I did it all right, that is).  I may come up with something for ya.