I can read the pilots and enjoy a good space-battle without becoming viscerally engaged. And yours is easily some of the VERY best to read/see. But when you put the ground-pounders into the fray, well, I'm a lot more ... hm, picky? Attentive? Because that's what I *do,* y'see. I read/see panels as if that is what I'm *in,* with the muscles wanting to twitch and peek around corners, reaching for the grenade, diving behind a box... you see what I'm saying. So when it is a mediocre effort, it throws me off. But that's not your art. Oh, no. I scroll down during a boarding action and realize I'm already half-crouched in my chair, ready to move. That sudden blaster bolt pops up and I'm quashing the reflexive urge to hit the deck.
It's that good.
Rock on, maestro!