Author Topic: AFE's Customs -- Updated 12/28/13--Back In Black!  (Read 141756 times)

Offline ghostskull18

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/10
« Reply #180 on: May 15, 2011, 02:27:01 PM »
when is the custom figure of me gonna be posted?  ;D i'm super excited!!!
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 02:33:45 PM by ghostskull18 »

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/10
« Reply #181 on: May 15, 2011, 03:15:16 PM »
First up we have Ghostskull:

During the conflicts that embroiled the so called "Old" Republic the Jedi order had expanded to vast numbers. With multiple councils and hundreds of seats belonging to esteemed warriors, healers, and clerics the Jedi's reaches were seemingly limitless. Spanning countless planets and hundreds of systems the protectors of the galaxy strove to keep order and bring peace to the inhabitants of the known universe. But where there is light, there must also exist the absence of light. The teachings of old tell us that for good to exist so must evil. Those that embody darkness will grow to power to balance the scales of existence. The servants of this "Dark side" will stop at nothing to tip the scales in their favor. The more eyes the Jedi added to their watch over the galaxy--the more they were blind to the ever growing ranks of the Dark side.

Conflicts raged through the galaxy. Battles between the two sides erupted everywhere. With countless Sith deaths at the hands of the Jedi countless bodies required burial. Having found a planet on a scouting mission suitable for the mass internment required for all the dead, the Jedi interred their fallen foes with grave reverence on the barren planet of Nosfaruu. Thousands of Sith, Dark Jedi, assassains, and acolytes rest beneath the pale yellow soil of Nosfaruu.

some years later spice freighter crash landed on the surface of Nosfaruu its crew killed instantly. The only survivor--the captain's young son, managed to escape into the howling winds and blinding sand storms. Taking refuge in a cave the young boy--scared and alone--began to hear voices. Some very faint and some nearly deafening the to the boy. The voices told the boy to go farther into the cave and how to survive the harsh planets atmosphere. The voices would be the boys only companions for years. Adept in the force the boy was instructed in the ways of the Dark side by the disembodied voices and spirits of the buried Sith.  As a young man the boy was able to construct his first lightsaber from salvaged parts of the derelict freighter and pieces of Sith sabers that were buried with their dead masters. Having learned the legacies of the Dark siders that resided, now in death, on Nosfaruu and the legacy of the force the boy rose to adulthood and became a Sith Lord himself. Fashioning a helmet to intimidate would-be looters from the skull of a Givin, the boy defended the resting place of his teachers. He was referred to as "The Ghost Skull" because of his helmet and his ability to seemingly appear from out of the howling winds. He would eventually leave Nosfaruu to avenge his fallen masters as The Dark Lord Darth Calvarius.

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"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
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Offline ghostskull18

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/10
« Reply #182 on: May 15, 2011, 03:17:13 PM »
SUPER AWESOME! i like this so much, i can't stop smiling  ;D
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 03:29:51 PM by ghostskull18 »

Offline Ironhide

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/15!!!
« Reply #183 on: May 15, 2011, 05:41:35 PM »
Wow! Friggin cool custom!

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/15!!!
« Reply #184 on: May 15, 2011, 05:50:43 PM »
Ok here's Botwt's custom figure. He requested an evil doer as this is the opposite of his nature. If you've ever seen his picture he's a pretty chill guy with a big ol' grin. So in lieu of his request I got to thinking about the opposite of someone with a sunny disposition. I really like the way this figure came out. Very pulp sci-fi Flash Gordon villain meets Dune and a little bit of Dracula thrown in too. Enjoy!

Lord Tormentum, a dark lord and high inquisitor of the Sith. Opporating in secret during the Old Republic era Lord Tormentum was tasked with gathering information for the Sith about the plans of the Republic and the Jedi. A devious, twisted man, Tormentum's only sense of joy came from ripping--sometimes literally--information from his squirming captives. Once a skilled surgeon and Jedi healer, Maximarr Botwatti was seduced by the dark side of the force and began to twist his healing powers into methods of torture. Having become Lord Tormentum, he found that through the dark side he could control machines. Overloading their power cells Tormentum forces them to discharge great bursts of electricity which he harnesses as an energy weapon. Preferring bladed instruments, Tormentum often wields vibroswords and vibroaxes. He devised a glove made of cortosis alloy coated cloth with which he could hold any overloaded energy discharging machine or instrument. This talent, along with his lighsaber, and other insidious instruments and techniques are the tools of Tormentum's trade. His hollow laughter can be heard echoing through the corridors of his secret chambers deep beneath the soil of Korriban.









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Offline Mungo Baobab

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/15!!!
« Reply #185 on: May 15, 2011, 06:18:49 PM »
These are some excellent figures.

Offline hannsfartknocker

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/15!!!
« Reply #186 on: May 15, 2011, 06:23:56 PM »
These are some excellent figures.

i concur
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Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/15!!!
« Reply #187 on: May 15, 2011, 06:57:48 PM »
Very nice!

Offline Phatty

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/15!!!
« Reply #188 on: May 15, 2011, 07:04:17 PM »
Very cool figures!  Great job on these, they look Hasbro-Fresh!

Offline botwt

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/15!!!
« Reply #189 on: May 15, 2011, 07:09:00 PM »
Brilliant! Bloody brilliant!! Maximarr cool!! :D
What head did you use? Reminds me of Dr. McCoy!

Ghostskull's figure is amazing as well!!


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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/15!!!
« Reply #190 on: May 15, 2011, 07:35:39 PM »
you are on a roll awesome job!

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/15!!!
« Reply #191 on: May 15, 2011, 07:38:42 PM »
Nice figures.

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/15!!!
« Reply #192 on: May 15, 2011, 08:05:32 PM »
Next up is Phatty's custom. He sent me a whole bunch of photos and they were very helpful in picking a good sculpt. Phatty requested an armored Jedi. We've seen Jedi wearing pieces of clone armor or Old Republic era armor. I really like the look of armored Jedi so with that in mind I kept this figure as minimally armored as possible, but at the same time giving him the look of a battle ready commander. Hope you like this one Phatty!

Solarr Faat'ee was a General during the Clone Wars. Commanding a battalion of clone troopers Master Faat'ee lead his troops against countless Separatist battle droids and won many victories for the Republic. He was instrumental during the battle at the Bilbringi ship yards where Separatist forces attempted to sabotage the Republic's ship building facilities. Never one for conformity, Solarr devised a new weapon for the Jedi's arsenal, the saber lance. A lightsaber with a thicker longer blade and hilt double the length of a normal lightsaber. He also carried a lightsaber but seldom used it. Perhaps Master Solarr's greatest skill was his battle meditation. Able to weave his own thoughts and those of his most loyal soldiers into a psychic web, Faat'ee could utilize his command to it's fullest potential to see and hear the battle field from many different positions and perspectives, making him a mastermind tactical leader. When order 66 was given by Palpatine Faat'ee perceived the threat through his precognition and was able to elude his troopers. Horrified at the betrayal he bore witness to, his friends and companions dead or in hiding, Solarr traveled to a remote space station on the edge of known space and secured a small but fast freighter and traveled beyond the galaxy. It is unknown whether he ever returned.

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"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
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Offline botwt

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/15!!!
« Reply #193 on: May 15, 2011, 08:30:43 PM »
Another fantastic piece!!  :D
Master Faat'ee is outstanding!!

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/15!!!
« Reply #194 on: May 15, 2011, 10:00:59 PM »
For my final figure of this update we turn to Hannsfartknocker for this request. Hanns asked for a Samurai Mandalorian, which I have to say is definitely a win/win combo! I grew up watching Akira Kurosawa movies and Toshiro Mifune was definitely an idol of mine. So with that for inspiration I set about creating Hanns' figure. I've always envisioned Jedi as the Samurai warriors of the Star Wars universe so this was a fun idea to play off of.

We have Hanzu Farnaka, a Mandalorian Samurai Wanderer. A former Jedi weapons master, Hanzu left the order when the Jedi refused to join in when tyranny struck in the galaxy, preferring to remain neutral in certain conflicts. Hanzu, a man of peace, but a skilled and deadly combatant could not sit by and watch as weaker races were oppressed and enslaved by servants of the dark side. Instead he set off on a life of wandering the galaxy, lending his blades to those in need. Taking the ancient creeds of the original Mandalorian warriors to heart, Hanzu became a nomadic enigma. Standing up for those who had no means of overcoming their attackers or captors. Dealing with opposition as swiftly as wind moves through trees no opponent ever walked away from Hanzu's renegade justice. Uninterested in rewards or material tokens, Hanzu simply requires fuel for his ship, a streamlined scout craft built for speed known as The Swift Cricket and a hot meal for his services. Wielding a short lightsaber and a more traditional one as a Samurai would his Katana and Shoto, Hanzu cuts a striking presence into any battle field. he also carries what appears to an untrained eye to be a walking stick with a built in glow rod. In actuality Hanzu's walking stick is a laser staff--a variation on the lightsaber consisting of a long staff with two short lightsaber blades, one suspended between a sencond grip and the top most blade. This is Hanzu's Naginata--or pole sword an equally deadly weapon with a much longer reach than the average lightsaber. Wearing Mandalorian armor under his robes he can blend in among plainly dressed peasants yet withstand many deadly blows. His whereabouts unknown, Hanzu remains a legendary individual to this day. They say wherever tyranny prevails the hum of his blades won't be far off.










"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."
"For the Empire!"