Author Topic: AFE's Customs -- Updated 12/28/13--Back In Black!  (Read 130800 times)

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/11--Rebel Mando Girl!!!
« Reply #540 on: November 11, 2011, 08:35:39 AM »
@Art: Thanks! I'm just trying to find more ways to make Orange a real Mando color haha. I really like how this metallic orange looks!

@Doc: Yeah the FX droids are pretty awesome! I splurged and got a whole 'nother comic pack with luke and Deena for this build. Might keep getting them for female mandos! I was partly inspired by Spry's Shae Vizla figure. But also simply because this body is one of the best armored female bodies and very possible. Unlike the somewhat stiff female mandos that are too hard to get for under $100 anyway. yeah I kind of both like and dislike the way the helmet looks on her head, the rebel pilot helmet makes it look a bit bulbous but that's merely due to the angle it sits when she's wearing her jet pack. It looks a bit better when it's straight. Kinda gives her this anime robot pilot look to me lol. Glad you like her! :)

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Offline ghostskull18

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/11--Rebel Mando Girl!!!
« Reply #541 on: November 11, 2011, 08:58:11 AM »

Offline RavenEye

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/11--Rebel Mando Girl!!!
« Reply #542 on: November 11, 2011, 03:32:16 PM »
Holy Osik!!! She's amazing and a nice pull-off. I would be proud of this one!

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/11--Rebel Mando Girl!!!
« Reply #543 on: November 11, 2011, 03:44:13 PM »
@GS18: Thanks buddy!

@OP: I have to admit I am proud of her, but just wait till we have her counter part and! And! their droid sidekick! Coming soon! Glad you're enjoying her :)

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Offline Darth Optimus

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/11--Rebel Mando Girl!!!
« Reply #544 on: November 11, 2011, 09:49:16 PM »
I really like the paint job on this femMando. 

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/11--Rebel Mando Girl!!!
« Reply #545 on: November 11, 2011, 10:22:52 PM »
@DO: Thanks buddy! I think she's my best paint work so far!

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Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/11--Rebel Mando Girl!!!
« Reply #546 on: November 12, 2011, 04:45:09 AM »
WOW! great looking figure and yes, this is your best paint work to date. Love the color scheme and parts you have used. Very ascetically pleasing but the helmet seems a tad big for a female. I wonder if you cut off the race plate and glue it to the pilot helmet rather than having one inside the other, if it would come out smaller? Just a minor nit pick as the figure looks great.

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/11--Rebel Mando Girl!!!
« Reply #547 on: November 12, 2011, 09:24:58 AM »
Thanks so much Spry! Your words mean a lot! Sometimes the most simple custom with some good paint apps can be the most pleasing. I really did very minimal building on her aside from the extra holster and added wookie braids. In looking at my Rebel pilot figures, it seems there's a sort of "universal" size for these helmets and even the female pilots (the human ones) have slightly over-sized helmets. I think hasbro made a few molds and then just keeps reusing and repainting them for each figure. Some of the Snow Speeder pilot helmets are really wobbly. Like Dak. I hate that head/helmet combo (Dak TVC) it makes him look like a goof. The helmet I used for her build was a comic pack hobbie Klivan helmet, so it might be a bit big. I'm using the TVC Hoth Luke pilot helmet for the General, so we'll see how that goes. I thought of cutting the face plate off and gluing it in, but interestingly enough even the TVC Boba Fett helmet on its own (the smallest of the mando helmet sculpts aside from maybe montross, but I'd neeeeeeever use that one in a custom) looked a bit oversized on her body. Rav Bralor's (female mando) helmet is even bigger than the fett helmet. The fact that once the sides of the fett helmet are trimmed down and the targeting antenna is cut off it fits snugly into the rebel pilot helmet perfectly flush (on the same level) as the lowest points of each helmet goes to show how deep the pilot helmet is and how oversiized it would look without the mando helm inside it. I then put Fett's head inside the helmet, glued it in and then filled his head with some thin flashing (bits of plastic) to allow for the small female neck to hold and grip the helmet on. Without the full mando helm inside it'd sit too low. There's also the high collar of Deena Shan's body to take into account. It plays havoc on low sitting helmets and makes it look like her neck ends too soon. Really I think without a lot of major retooling it's the best solution. Besides I kinda like how bulbous it is. Reminds me of Salarian helmets in Mass Effect 2. I think it'll look better next to the male helmet once he's complete.

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Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/11--Rebel Mando Girl!!!
« Reply #548 on: November 14, 2011, 10:05:51 PM »
Hot off the custom press comes Das Sooneeda the Rebel Alliance Mandalorian General and counter part of his second in command Haana Solayra (previous update). He comes fully equipped with the 'brother' rifle to Haana's Daedalus rifle, and their support droid. I really feel that with the addition of these two new figures Haana looks much more complete both with her color scheme and her appearance (some mentioned how she looks a bit top-heavy with her helmet on). I think I'm really getting the hang of these paint apps and the way a figure can be completely transformed with just 2 colors into something totally new. Check him out!

Das Sooneeda was born and raised a Mandalorian. Growing up on Mandalore he fully embraced the warrior's ways of his people and was an exceptional combatant. He also was a very charismatic leader on and off the battle field. During the clone wars he served as a general training and leading a squad of clone troopers against the forces of the Separatists. When the treachery of the republic was revealed and his fellow Mandalorians began siding with the newly risen Empire Das Sooneeda had a choice to make. Choosing not to participate in Order 66 and help exterminate the Jedi, who had been his fellow generals during the war, Sooneeda was forced to kill his own clone troopers in self defense as he made his daring escape. In training his troops he had deliberately left subtle gaps in their knowledge, gaps which he exploited with ease allowing him to overtake them and get away. On the run from the sweeping arms of the Empire Das ran into Senator Bail Organa. Sure the Imperial senator would turn him in as a renegade Sooneeda prepared to fight once again for his life. But aboard the Republic command ship to his surprise he found a sympathizer and a new ally in Organa. Sensing the immense value of a Mandalorian General with all his skills and knowledge, Organa brought Sooneeda into the then small and secret party of defectors that were fast forming a 'Rebel Alliance'. As a combat trainer and covert mission leader Sooneeda proved time and time again to be an invaluable asset to the Alliance. One of the highest ranking Rebel Intelligence officers and COs in the field Sooneeda began adapting his Mandalorian armor with the covert action armor favored by the Rebels. The result was a living symbol of hope to his allies and dread to his enemies. A blend of the fierce Mandalorian armor and the Rebel colors that boast equality, freedom, and an end to tyranny. Finding his top pupil in a young soldier by the name of Haana Solayra he set about guiding her along the Mandalorian path of combat and intelligence training, this time leaving nothing out. Together Solayra and Sooneeda discovered the powerful Daedalus rifle along with Sooneeda's chosen rifle the Icarus rifle. A rifle that combines a medium repeating blaster with a repeating shotgun and an under barrel grenade launcher. With three rifles in one, Sooneeda is ready for any foe. Joining their ranks is the support droid R3-B1 a modified IT-O Imperial interrogation droid that was repurposed and upgraded with the "brain" of an R2 Astromech droid. Equipped with humanoid arms like those on an assassin/protocol droid R3 can carry equipment or fire a side arm with deadly accuracy. He boasts a substantial communications array and a heat seeking armor piercing rocket launcher to boot. While his programming is inherently friendly he is combat equipped and recognizes friends from foes. Together these warriors are ready for any mission!






















So helpful!


Haana & Das:










Discussing tactics:



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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/15--Mando General!!!
« Reply #549 on: November 14, 2011, 10:14:47 PM »
That lil droid is hysterical!!

Whose head did you use for the general?  Looks a lot like Mandy Potemkin from Criminal Minds...

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/15--Mando General!!!
« Reply #550 on: November 14, 2011, 10:26:58 PM »
@Doc: Glad you like him! I assure you he's also a deadly foe ;) For Sooneeda I used the Fenn Shysa head. I repainted the hair and eyebrows black. You're absolutely right! I love Mandy Patinkin! It definitely made me think of him while I was making it I also thought of a much lighter skinned Obama for some reason haha.

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/15--Mando General!!!
« Reply #551 on: November 14, 2011, 10:56:27 PM »
That is a spectacular use of parts, combined with great paint apps and color schemes.  The Rebel Alliance decals really pop as well.  Great work indeed!

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/15--Mando General!!!
« Reply #552 on: November 14, 2011, 11:02:26 PM »
Thanks so much Phatty! Luckily the decals came pre affixed. WOrking with decals is a frontier I've yet to cross into. Thrilled you like these figures :) Got another couple of Mandos cooking away to work on. It never stops! Haha

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/15--Mando General!!!
« Reply #553 on: November 15, 2011, 06:54:09 AM »
Whoa amazing job on those mando´s!

Offline ghostskull18

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 11/15--Mando General!!!
« Reply #554 on: November 15, 2011, 07:58:03 AM »
Wow! everyone of them is AWESOME!, I really like the droid!, GREAT WORK DUDE!