Author Topic: Celebration VI  (Read 14846 times)

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Re: Celebration VI
« Reply #60 on: August 28, 2012, 02:58:57 AM »
Chads phone took awesome video. I am gonna piece it all back together and try to load it in order.

I hear you though Pat, told my family we aren't gonna miss any more US Celebrations. I was mad all weekend!

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: Celebration VI
« Reply #61 on: August 28, 2012, 08:08:09 AM »
C6 was a BLAST! I highly suggest everyone start saving money today so they have no excuse not to make it to the next one! Big plans are in the works for customizers. Man, I need a vacation from my vacation! 4-5 hrs sleep each night, at the convention center between 8 and 8:30 every morning, leave at 9, 10 even close to 11, eat dinner after that, take shower, go to bed, get up and do it again...for 5 days, yea this all started the day before the show. Not to mention we walked all over Hollywood Studios, Universal and Lego land for 2 days before the big show. I am officialy broke down, my legs barely work and my feet need to be replaced with new ones. Where is the Emperor with that medical capsule when you need him?

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Re: Celebration VI
« Reply #62 on: August 28, 2012, 08:34:08 AM »

We absolutely loved the footage you fed us. I can't wait to see what else you got yourself into. Trust me, I totally understand about needing a vacation from your vacation. Thats how I felt when I got back from CV and I didn't do half of what you did. And yes, I have heard bits and pieces of what I hope will be a true customizing workshop for Celebration 7. I am so hoping they expand the customizing panels too. The way you guys packed the house I am sure this will be a no brainer for the convention organizers.

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Re: Celebration VI
« Reply #63 on: August 28, 2012, 11:51:07 AM »
Packed the house and then had to turn that many *more* ppl away!  Man, I do need to start saving...mebbe I could be of some help on a customizing workshop.  I might could even bring some of my molds and resin...

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: Celebration VI
« Reply #64 on: August 28, 2012, 12:42:47 PM »
The reports I am hearing state that only half of the people lined up got in. Some say there were 7-800 people lined up. I saw the line bent around the corner but didn't see how mwny were there in the last 5-7 minutes. So sorry for those that were locked out. I am going to email Gus Lopez to let him know how many got turned away.

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Re: Celebration VI
« Reply #65 on: August 28, 2012, 01:56:26 PM »
I just checked out the video's and just amazing stuff guys,  Spry yourself, Dayton and Jamie did the customizing community proud well done guys. And I'm happy to say that no more deployments for me next year so I'll be saving my pennies for next year.


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Re: Celebration VI
« Reply #66 on: August 29, 2012, 04:49:28 AM »
Please also keep checking the galleries folks. I took yesterday evening and loaded up a ton of Diorama Workshop, Hasbro Booth, Costuming, and the Making of Star Wars pics to their respective pages. I also put on the fp a video Spry did of the intial Dio Build too.