This is my little slam on Twilight. I've taken what the heroes are in that series, and made them as they should be. Villains.
A cult of dark jedi who are all jealous of the jedi. They're a cult of sociopaths, sadists, comprised mostly of spoiled, pretentious, whiny, sullen, mopey teenagers, all deadly with a lightsaber and the darkside but aren't nearly as powerful as they boast.
Okay, they're mostly based on the Reborn and Disciples of Ragnos cults, but after being dragged to two Twilight movies I came to see that the "heroes" of those films make fascinating villains.
Sadly the day is rapidly approaching when I can't make fun of Twilight anymore. Soon it will be completely culturally irrelevant. A shame, it was just too damn easy to mock.