Here is the ARF trooper finished
"short" story
I am CC 3003, better known as "Barret". I am sergant, serving the 212th Attack Battalion... actually, I was. I fought on teth, muunilinst, zaadja, reyloth, sarrish and the second battle of geonosis, and many other great battles. I can´t forget the orange stripes in my mate´s armor. But that was before the Mission to Kashyyyk. We were starting the attack when our Gunship was shot down. I was the first one desending on the cable, so i was able to jump to a huge branch if a nearby tree, but couldn ´t hang tight from it. The fall was slow and harmfull. When i got to the ground i had several bones broken and felt unconcius.I donpt know if it were hours or minutes, the only thing i know it was like hell. Felt like burning from inside, hear the shots everywhere, felt the heat of the battle, but i was like a mile away from it. Medics took me to the command center and i was completly recovered in a few days. But there was one thing i was affraid to ask, and i didnpt remember, Why we where figthing this war? Were we hired?I knew i was a clone, but why i had to fight this, that was not my war. i thoug the jedi there would be able to answer my question without punishing me. When i was on my way, heard an order from my commander, he said "execute order 66". What the hell was that? I searched in my memories but nothing was there about order 66. When i heard some ARF troopers talking about putting an ambush to Quilan Voss, I realized that was about order 66, killing the jedi. I felt strange from inside , i just wanted to ran from that place, so I took my cammo gear, some others provisions and run into the forest. After a few minutes some wookies tend me an ambush. They where pointing at me with their bowcaster. I was very lucky to know a little bit of Shyriiwook, so i could understand what they where saying, I explained i retired from the armny, i was running because i was afraind of that order of killing the jedi. So, the wookie acced not to kill me, but they took me as a prisioner. I was held in a small cage, until the chief came. He asked me many question, strange question about the meaning of life and other things. When he was over they explained me what was happening. The republic betrayed the jedi, and all the clones were ordered to kill them, and all resistance. They were able to save yoda, who scaped in a small pod. They asked me if I wanted to fight with them to defend kashyyyk. It was strange. I was now betraying my brothers for a cause i didn´t matter about, defending their home world. But, was that teh same i was doing before? i was a clone, i was made to fight for something i didn´t matter and that has no importance for me. I was forced to do that. Now it was different, I was choosing to fight it, so i make the cause mine. Get scared my old mates, because sargent Barret is now figthing for a real cause, and that is to be feared...
Sergant Barret