Wow, I remember this wave. The one Wal-Mart in my area got like 50 cases of it.
I know what you mean, Shawn. It's a vast contrast to nowadays. I wish I had taken pictures of the stacked pegs at my local Meijer in Michigan. But my $20 cell phone from Radio Shack didn't even have a camera.
Walmart was a mile away and I even rode my host father's bike there. On that day I found the wave with R5 for $8.96 plus tax. I bought most figures at Meijer though, mainly because my host family never wanted to go to Walmart and luckily for me Meijer had about 100 3.75" figures on the pegs constantly and sold them for $7.99 each.
That was back in 2010-2011 and I remember when they had a buy 3 pay 2 promotion, so I got my host brothers a few SOTDS Saga Legends figures like Bossk, Battle Droids, a Clone Shock Trooper and 3 more for $30. Good times. I'm thankful that I experienced that golden era of SW collecting in the USA.
And will make some store reports when I finally go back to Michigan. It's been 9 years, soon.