Author Topic: Spudafett's Figures (last update: sa at-at commander)  (Read 161484 times)

Offline Commander_Kurgan

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: SA aurra sing)
« Reply #1260 on: August 11, 2010, 12:22:55 AM »
Spud, I love that figure.
Although Aurra Sing doesn't have a lot of screentime, she's a cool character.

The scews can easily be masked with modelling putty for those who prefer the flawless look, but then they would have to fill in the seams of the upper leg halves and sand them, too.

When I paint up figures, I paint the single components where necessary and do touch-ups after assembly.
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Offline spudafett

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: SA aurra sing)
« Reply #1261 on: August 11, 2010, 07:18:06 AM »
yeah, that's just 1 thing that I have always hated about GI-Joes is the screws in the legs. I do like "replicas" but those screws are just too out in the open.  Good job on them though. I have always swapped out my Joes and interchanged body parts.

but see.... if those screws wern't there then you wouldn't be able to swap out the parts so easilly, so it's a give and take scenario....

I wish that hasbro would quit gluing the torsos together and give us a screw in the back of the upper half of the joes like they used to in the o-ring figures... it'd make customizing so much easier! 

thanks CK for the kind words.  I hope that aurra will get more screentime in the upcoming seasons of TCW... I like the idea of her and bossk and the other bounty hunters being a mentor for young Boba....

Offline Mike Cypress

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: SA aurra sing)
« Reply #1262 on: August 11, 2010, 08:24:10 AM »
dang man, now you are going to make me go dig through my storage to look at the 25th anniversary Joes because I didn't realize they didn't have the screws on the back anymore. That was always my favorite part about the Joes, swapping.
Yeah, Aurra and Bossk was cool in those last couple of episodes. Now I wish I would have picked up that battlepack Toys-R-Us had a few years ago that had Aurra and her speeder bike with the skull on it.
Anyways, love your work dude, don't take my comments as criticism because customizing has become my new favorite area of collecting and I give everybody props who is doing it and that's why I love the everybody on here is cool and respectful. Hopefully when I get to Pittsburgh I will be unpacking my stuff, finally and I can try my hand at customizing.

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: SA aurra sing)
« Reply #1263 on: August 11, 2010, 09:15:49 AM »
another excellent ultra articulated figure spud
I like the sniper pose

great job

Offline spudafett

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: SA aurra sing)
« Reply #1264 on: August 11, 2010, 09:33:27 AM »
dang man, now you are going to make me go dig through my storage to look at the 25th anniversary Joes because I didn't realize they didn't have the screws on the back anymore. That was always my favorite part about the Joes, swapping.
Yeah, Aurra and Bossk was cool in those last couple of episodes. Now I wish I would have picked up that battlepack Toys-R-Us had a few years ago that had Aurra and her speeder bike with the skull on it.
Anyways, love your work dude, don't take my comments as criticism because customizing has become my new favorite area of collecting and I give everybody props who is doing it and that's why I love the everybody on here is cool and respectful. Hopefully when I get to Pittsburgh I will be unpacking my stuff, finally and I can try my hand at customizing.

no worries.  the best thing about customizing is that everyone does it their own little way... there is no school for it, you don't learn it, you just do it...  I mean you can learn techniques and little things, but it's the emplimentation of those techniques and the tweaking into one's own unique style that I love to see. 

Offline Mike Cypress

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: SA aurra sing)
« Reply #1265 on: August 11, 2010, 09:48:22 AM »
me too, plus I like getting as many tips as I can before I try it, and yeah, I just found my Destro and nope, no screws. That's a trip that I didn't notice that before. The 25th anniversary Joes are all perfect to me they way they are except 2 things...the 1st Destro that came out didn't have the chrome plated head, and Zartan didn't change colors in the sunlight.

Offline Mike Cypress

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: SA aurra sing)
« Reply #1266 on: August 11, 2010, 09:52:10 AM »
I mentioned this somewhere else, but I'm planning on building a Mos Eisely diorama and right beside Docking bay 94 i'm going to have Docking bay 93 with Cobra Commander and a squad of his troops disembarking....kind of like all the dioramas of the Emperor's arrival on the Death Star, but Cobra's arrival on Tattooine.

Offline spudafett

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: SA aurra sing)
« Reply #1267 on: August 11, 2010, 03:59:17 PM »
I mentioned this somewhere else, but I'm planning on building a Mos Eisely diorama and right beside Docking bay 94 i'm going to have Docking bay 93 with Cobra Commander and a squad of his troops disembarking....kind of like all the dioramas of the Emperor's arrival on the Death Star, but Cobra's arrival on Tattooine.

that'd be sweet!  I always thought that cobra would make a good crime syndicate or terrorist organization to include into the star wars universe.  So many of the old joe/cobra vehicles are perfect sci-fi fodder.

yeah, without the screw in the back of the figures taking apart the torso's is a pain in the *#$. 

Offline Mike Cypress

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: SA aurra sing)
« Reply #1268 on: August 11, 2010, 04:22:46 PM »
yeah, I'm looking for one of those joe ships that looks like the space shuttle. That would work perfectly. Can't think  of it's name though.

Offline spudafett

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: SA aurra sing)
« Reply #1269 on: August 16, 2010, 07:13:06 AM »
yet another WIP... man all these figures and vehicles being released right now is making my project list shoot through the roof!  I've got so many WIP projects right now I can't keep up...


Trandoshan Mercenary/bounty hunter (NOT BOSSK)

this is all I've got so far.  I am thinking about adding a mando chest plate to him that is removable as well as some kind of backpack or large jetpack.
He'll also have a couple more bladed weapons as well as a scalping blade for scalping wookie trophies....

I also plan on giving him some trophy braided wookie scalps too.

Offline kreeper2

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: wip trandoshan)
« Reply #1270 on: August 16, 2010, 07:50:48 AM »
Wow thats so cool spud your the man all those parts just seem to melt together hes looking extraordinary.

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: wip trandoshan)
« Reply #1271 on: August 18, 2010, 02:57:49 PM »
yeah man, thats an awesome custom !!!!!!!!

Offline gwest

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: wip trandoshan)
« Reply #1272 on: August 18, 2010, 06:14:01 PM »
I like the look of that Transdoshan.

That looks really cool.

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: wip trandoshan)
« Reply #1273 on: August 18, 2010, 07:35:22 PM »
Wow, how did I miss this? I really like how this is shaping up. Are those iron man lwer legs? This is a very cool design! I could see a small amount of fur around his waist or a shoulder sash of some sort. Can't wait to see more.

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Re: Spudafett's Figures (last update: wip trandoshan)
« Reply #1274 on: August 19, 2010, 12:09:24 AM »
thats looking seriously cool spud
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