(warning: long night + only 1 cup of coffee = low tact and random incoherence)
I know nothing about Carnage. Useless there.
The converted Clone as Mando, tho... Looks like a chick. Seriously. Those [expletive deleted] "skinnies" always look like chicks in armor to me. (which is NOT a bad thing!!) Personal preference, I don't like the paint-scheme as it is too close to looking like a Clone's armor. Now, if that was the look you were after, you nailed it, so we gotta take that into account. I think you were trying to use the black paint-lines on the belt to replicate pouches, yes? I don't think it worked all that well to convince me. I think you need some more surface detailing to pull it off better. Maybe nothing more than using your xacto blade to carve some grooves and *then* painting/blackwashing the grooves would work. I'm wondering about using this plethora of 1/35-scale WWII pouches I have to achieve a similar effect. That could be interesting.
The black paint looks like it is still wet, lots more shiny than the white of the armor. Also, the edges of the black paint aren't crisp. Boy, have I found cameras are GREAT at picking up any little flaw there!
I imagine some of that is due to the problems you ran into using the dremel for detailing.
So what's the story and recipie on this one? Are those Anakin legs I see? Is the helmet a Legacy Mando buy'ce? Is it removable to show a head underneath?