this is my Duros smuggler Opa Ren with his pet monkey lizard Wort,and Copilot Clanker.Opa Ren is a Duros smuggler,and is handy with a blaster,and repairing old droids,and talking his way out of any dangerous situation,He is Captain of the ship called "The Smugglers Run".Clanker is his old battle droid salvaged by Opa after the the rise of the empire to be his trusty companion,and help with his trading,smuggling and navigating through republic space.he gave the name to him because he was boarded by the empire,and a stormtrooper recognized the droid found battered in the cargo hold,and asked Opa"where'd you find that old clanker."after the droid was re-programed,the name kind of stuck with him.Clanker still has is battle ready skills,and has been highly upgraded in multiple combat skills,dialects and also an assassination protocol,and self destruct function should the need ever arise.they mostly smuggle spice,modified illegal weapons,and other contraban items.hope you guys like them,and they really are some of my favorite custom figures I've done so far,and had a lot of fun doing them.I had to use my brothers computer to re-size the photos so i hope they turn out okay,and are visible.also,today is my 32nd Birthday!