Every June, I clean my hobby room, keeps it usable for about six months, then it slowly fails for six months, then its June, again. Here are some before and after pics from last year,
small closet I have.
cluttered desk
in true lazy fashion, the new computer sits on top of the old computer,
another shot of that small closet,
My poor empty shelf
Looking rough
See the problem? LOL
Again, bad.
THEN WE CLEAN, Mostly just organize:
Cat inspecting to make sure I haven't done anything she did not approve of.
Looks better a little more tidy
Ahhh, tidy!
Desk even benefited.
I think I am going to add more shelves to this guy
Marvel Legends and what not
Ahh, the ATAT, safe at last
So, you see what I'm working with, its a fair sized room, but it doesn't always feel like it. Also, its only 12 by 14, I was counting the length of the closet, doh!