In a future world where artificial intelligence has advanced to a point where humans now question the existence of machines with souls...
Their questions are answered by the re-birth of the "spirit of vengeance" within a machine...
An Android down on his luck... ready to be scrapped by his owners for the next newest model is offered a deal by a mysterious being... mephisto... "Sell your soul to the Devil and have your revenge upon your human masters..."
Thus, Ghost Rider is reborn....
So the only thing that it's missing is the right hand chainsaw attachment. I have a BAT hand that's been converted to a chainsaw... I just need to do the hot-glue flames onto it.
I'm not super happy with the flame effects although it does work... my clear red paint was dried up and I have no way of getting more so I painted it solid. I would've liked to have had it opaque red and orange... oh well.
What do you guys think?