That is a cool figure for sure! Love the sculpting and gun mods! There are 2 things that kind of stick out to me. The helmet is very tall, especialy for a female. Is that a Clone bucket on top of a mando helmet? The other thing is the combat boots. They look a bit too real world/army issued. I would love to see you do some sculpting over them rather than switch them out as the articulation is so good. Just my opinion on the details, your paint work is looking great! I really like that camo!
A normal sized mando bucket wouldn't fit this figures abnormally large head... So I bashed the front faceplate of a mando bucket onto an old clone trooper helmet. The helmet looks oddly tall I know, but the only other way to fix it would've been to use alternate heads and I just don't like doing that.
My explanation is that it's an advanced helmet that has various technology stuffed into it and the larger dome is where all that is housed?... lol
and for me, the boots are no big deal. They make sense for a jungle environment. I thought about trying to bash on other feet and attempt to keep the articulation, but I decided not to risk it.