Blanx Alpha Male figureFirst off I only ordered these on 16/12/2011 - the arrived in the UK (From the US) a few days later - $20 for postage, but boy golly it was quick. I ordered three of these figs for converting into custom figures ala StitchFett's Micromen Clones.
The good...
The figure is well made, easy to take down and extremely posable. He comes with two heads and three pairs of hands! The plastic seems hard wearing, textured to take paint and the joints have good clearance.
The figure has a nubbed neck on a ball socket - making for a good range of head movement. The legs have the SA double jointed knee, in a similar style to most modern Joes. The legs attach to the pelvis in the same manner as a Joe and the Blanx figure also has the old fashioned O-Ring torso. The torso is easy to take down with one screw.
The not so good?
This guys is a little short. Here's a comparison with a couple of other figures...
And here he is with a Joe head
We all know that the Avatar figures were a little shorter than 3.75" it would appear that this guys is a little off as well. Not as much as my Avatar figure, but he is short compared to other SW figs, let alone modern GI Joes. Also his shouder joints are a little bulbous, his thighs are a little weird too.
HOWEVER those niggles are minor, over all the Blanx figure is great and has a lot of potential for yarders, the plastic is good quality and as a base figure he offers some great possibilities for customizing. This figure will make a great base for some SA custom Mandos / Clones / Armoured figures - I can't wait for my dremmel to arrive so I can try and take my customising to the next level...