good job on your first customs.over time,and lots of practice,and the proper tools,and helpful info you can get from these awesome fellows here at ISY,you'll improve your technique,and find your true style,and personal touch to this awesome's a tip or trick i do.I see you wanted to paint a stripe on the helmet,well it's hard enough trying to draw a straight line let alone painting one,so if you have any blue masking tape,tear two strips off,and line them up on both sides of the helmet,leaving the middle of the helmet exposed,then apply the paint to the middle part of the helmet,and don't worry about getting paint on the tape,you're going to peal that off after the paint drys.after it does dry,remove the tape,and you should come out with a nice straight line on the helmet.hope that helps a little.welcome to the yards,and hope to see more of your work soon.Moge Die Macht Mit Dir Sein.