That sith acolyte Is sweeeeeet!!! Also I suggest using "plastruct rods" (neon red) to make custom lightsaber blades I've had great results.
That sith acolyte Is sweeeeeet!!! That Duke accelerator suit works well, great thinking! Also I suggest using "plastruct rods" (neon red) to make custom lightsaber blades I've had great results. Especially when red lightsabers are so hard to come by. I use those and run a dremel at the tips (one side i round off the other end I make a small tip) to make them removable from the hilts. You can use fodder for hilts or use "greenstuff" to sculpt your own. Keep up the great work. Really digging it!
Agreed on the acolyte. Pure BADA$$.Also agree on the plastics rods. I have a pack of blue, green and red. If you can find them, get the narrowest. They also come in yellow.
I use 3/32" 2.4mm fluorescent rods and they come in various colors.