Author Topic: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest  (Read 56912 times)

Offline Tamer

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TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« on: January 19, 2012, 04:59:42 PM »

In the memory of Mercury Art Studios, the following sites are working together to bring to the customizing community a joint customizing event:

There is an Evolutions theme, based on the game, "The Old Republic " - in order to participate, please adhere to the following rules:

Rule #1 - In order to be eligible, all entries much have some sort of "Evolutions" theme (meaning all three need to be related to TOR), with three new custom figures entered into the contest that were made solely for this event.  They must be posted in the dedicated thread in the forums at either,, or and be posted in the dedicated thread before the deadline, which is 11:59 PM Central Standard Time, Monday April 30, 2012.

Rule #2- You can make as many groups of figures as you want - but regardless of how many groups you create, they constitute as one entry.  However, if you post your group of figures at all three sites, then you will be entered in three times for the prize pool.  So it is in your benefit to post your entry into the dedicated thread at all three sites.  

Rule #3 - After the end of this event, ONE GRAND PRIZE winner will be selected by a panel of judges at the Star Wars fan sites sponsoring this event.  We will be as absolutely fair and unbiased as possible with this.  The winning prize will be announced at the end of the contest.  This item will be sent free of charge to winners within the United States .  If the winner is international, shipping fees will apply.

Rule #4 - There will be THREE RUNNERS UP, which will be completely RANDOM winners.  Each of these winners will get to select a prize from the "Random Winner" images below.  The first runner up will get first pick from the prize pool.  The second random winner will get to make the next selection, and the third winner will get what is left.  These figures will be packaged and mailed free of charge in the United States , however if any random winners are international, shipping fees will apply.

Rule #5 - Staff members at any of the sponsoring sites can participate, but are not eligible to win a prize at any time.

Rule #6 - Even though there will be a grand prize winner selected for the customizer who "wows" the judges the most, the three random winners will be selected regardless of talent level - no custom is too good for this, and no custom is too bad.

Rule #7 - Have fun with it and enjoy seeing everyone's work and ideas - and remember that this is in the honor of one of our own who is no longer with us - Mike Martinez will never be forgotten by the customizing community and we are a better group for knowing him.  This contest was already in the works with him running it prior to him being taken away from us and this is our little way of continuing his work.

Rule #8 - If anyone wants to donate their custom to be sold/auctioned to benefit Mike's family, please contact

The prize pool is as follows:


The winners we be announced on (or around) Monday, May 7.  The Grand Prize Winner will be announced at each site, and the Random Winners will be announced separately at each site.  Please feel free to ask any questions in this thread, and we look forward to seeing the custom figures submitted for this - but remember, you must create THREE NEW CUSTOMS and post them to be eligible, and if you post them at all three sites, you will be eligible as a random winner THREE TIMES!

For convenience sake, the dedicated threads at each site to this event are as follows:
« Last Edit: January 24, 2012, 08:40:32 AM by Tamer »

Offline Tamer

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Re: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2012, 12:42:51 PM »
I have been after the idea of this for some time. I am quite excited about the prospect of teaming up with Yakface and Echobase News to make this a reality. I would like to thank both Justin, Jayson, and David for making all of this a reality. Trust me folks, there was a lot of legwork on this one. It is just daggone awesome to see this type of promotion of the customizing hobby in general.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2012, 02:55:26 PM »
This is a fantastic thing I think we're doing, and thanks to this site and Echobase for putting this together Yakface.  Mike was a great guy and there's a void in the forums at Yakface without his presence, and I'm sure that's the same around here too.

I'm not eligible for this, but in Mike's honor I really wanted to make some customs for what I consider to be "his" customizing contest.   I made a TOR style Sith Lord, Jedi, and Smuggler that I had started over Christmas.

Smuggler Recipe
head - Evolutions Clone Trooper
hat - Clone Wars Cad Bane
hands - TVC Tusken Raider
rest - Legacy Trinto Duabo

Jedi Recipe
head - Comic Pack Janek Sunber
rest - McQuarrie Han Solo

Sith Lord Recipe
head - TAC Darth Revan
torso - TAC Darth Revan
arms - Captain America Hydra Soldier
hands - TVC ROTS Darth Sidious
tunic - ROTS Count Dooku
legs - ROTS Count Dooku
cape - TVC Darth Maul

Offline Tamer

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Re: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2012, 03:22:26 PM »
Wow! Your reputation proceeds you Chewie, but those look daggone awesome.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2012, 09:28:18 PM »
Thanks Tamer, hopefully we see numerous entries in this.  I can't wait to see more start rolling in. 

Offline spudafett

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Re: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2012, 12:44:08 AM »
I'm a bit confused, when you say "evolutions" style does that mean in the style of the game (to fit into an "old republic" universe)?  or 3 figures that show a progressive "evolution" of the concept such as the hasbro "evolutions" 3 packs?

Offline Mr. Black

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Re: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2012, 05:18:54 AM »
I'm a bit confused, when you say "evolutions" style does that mean in the style of the game (to fit into an "old republic" universe)?  or 3 figures that show a progressive "evolution" of the concept such as the hasbro "evolutions" 3 packs?

That's a valid question. Chewie's trio of figures looks just awesome, but I fail to see the 'evolutions' aspect of it. No big deal, I take it we have to make a trio of figures that fit in the Old Republic storyline, right?

I must say, I am very intrigued by this joint effort and you all know Mike's passing left quite an impression on the community, but also on me personally. I would very much like to participate in this event, but at this time I can't give a definitive yes or no. Thing is, I'm swamped at the office right now and I have some pressure building up in the customizing factory as well  :-\

Luckily, this runs through April, so there's still time, but time's going fast.

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2012, 06:11:19 AM »
This is great news! What a wonderful event you guys have cooked up in Mikes memory! I will be entering this one for sure it just may be closer to the end of the contest before I have my figures ready.

Awesome entry Chewie! and man was that quick work!

Offline Tamer

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Re: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2012, 06:23:46 AM »
Our concept was to make these figures reflect The Old Republic as the theme, but I will check with my counterparts and get you some clarification folks.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2012, 07:17:54 AM »
That's a great question - my take is that it can be any sort of 3 figures with a TOR theme and we'd consider it to be eligible... it would be a bit hard to really make three figures "evolving" over time with a TOR theme.  In a "pilot" for this a while back that wasn't made public, Mike had wanted it to be any 3 characters of a consistent theme, which we dubbed to be Evolutions... hope that makes sense?

And thanks for the nice words on the customs too.  They were fun to make.

Offline spudafett

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Re: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2012, 12:24:53 PM »
unfortunately I think your going to really limit your participation by requiring 3 customs...  I know with my limited schedule and budget crunch there's no way for me to enter this contest.  Also, I'm not big into the old republic style stuff... I've never read the books or played the games...

Offline Mungo Baobab

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Re: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2012, 03:32:16 PM »
I am curious, do all three figures have to be brand new figures, or can one or two of them possibly be custom figures you have posted before?

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Re: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2012, 05:32:17 PM »
Looking forward to attempting to tackle this project! :)

Offline Tamer

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Re: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2012, 06:18:57 PM »
I am curious, do all three figures have to be brand new figures, or can one or two of them possibly be custom figures you have posted before?

All 3 need to be new never before posted customs. And I know we have seen some great TOR Customs here lately, but we tried to set up a good time frame for folks to get three custom figures completed.

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Re: TOR Combined Sites Custom Contest
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2012, 06:23:24 PM »
unfortunately I think your going to really limit your participation by requiring 3 customs...  I know with my limited schedule and budget crunch there's no way for me to enter this contest.  Also, I'm not big into the old republic style stuff... I've never read the books or played the games...

I am sad to hear that Devin as I do enjoy your customs. We did extend the time frame on this one for about one figure per month which I think is about right to be honest. As for the TOR theme, this was a custom contest that Mike had in the works with Yakface prior to his passing so they are just trying to finish this off right. I was honored they asked us to join in. And I too have not played the games nor read the books, but just seeing some customs folks here have completed like Spry's and Lucasclones' Vizlas and Dayton's Darth Malgus have certainly showed me how awesome these figures seem to be. Also go take a look on Youtube at the TOR Game Trailers (there are three I think) and tell me they don't look like some awesome characters. I loved the vid where Shan drops a mountain on Malgus!