Not sure if this is the right place for this...
I am, as I'm sure many of you are, a big fan of Kevin Smith's Comic Book Men (an new-ish reality TV show all about his personal comic store and the guys who run it for him). Basically it's a fairly simple concept, a group of guys (or girls), all with different backgrounds but a shared interest/hobby come together weekly to talk shop, shoot the breeze and recap the events of the past week (or month). I love this formula and naturally, being a customizer, and repetitively new to this world, but at the same time a life long collector, I think it could interesting to do a Customizing version of this. I know Tamer and Lucas Clones have their podcast, and that's awesome (keep up the great work guys!), and I don't want to diminish that, but I'm thinking of a regular group of customizers getting together to talk shop, get to know each other better, and find out what it is that makes us all drawn to this hobby/life style. Also feature guests, spotlight certain artists, etc. I'd like to see a diverse group of customizers, someone fairly new, an old salt with lots of experience, someone who does a very concentrated focus (only action fleet, only 12", etc.), and others.
Perhaps calling it "Custom Men" or Custom Beings? or Custom Chatter... open to suggestions.
Anyone interested? This could be awesome!