Gotta get my notes together, or I'm gonna start forgetting stuff!
IFT - repaint/upgrade guns for contest, add lights?
2-seat hybrid speeder - add Skyhawk engines?
Mando "Joemobile" speeder - find suitable engines, add rack for jetpack, build ion cannon, build net-gun (prolly not for comp. - too involved!)
Mamba airspeeder w/ astromech
Rebound speeder - add control vanes forward, engine from swampskimmer
FANG airspeeder - add 6 Lego engine pods
Swoop-chopper - add control vanes forward
4 for Jules
pilot for each swoop/speeder & passengers as appropriate
Fixer - repaint, four basic arms, scavenge arms/tools from FX-6 & IG Lancer...
Commander Kurgan & Scout - Dengar torso, Wuher head, limbs TBD; Gotal head, jumpsuited body, slip-on armor OR snowtrooper torso, limbs TBD
IFT crew - use Kashyyyk Scouts for body; replace helmets with heads and wearable AOTC finheads; add ATTE Gunner head armor, add visor if possible
Imperial Sniper Team - tissue-paper cloaks, Kashyyyk Trooper belts (molded if possible!), make wider visor
Outland Station denizens:
Doc Betteo - Wuher body, Uncle Owen head and jacket, Emperor's cane, Indy satchel, datapad, commlink
Farzell - repaint/bash Ugnaught
Tanner Dane - Comic-Pack Bultar Swann body & head, Stass Allie arms & legs?
T'Nadar - jawa body, Kabe head & hands (modded), Wioslea feet (modded)
Walon Vau - black-armored Mando, Baron Fel head
figure heads
Lobot's desktop computer
R2's shipping containers
- mold took-kit flat
Farzeel's shop
tapcaf on station
repaint styro bits with acrylic base to cover styro origins
bulk liquid containers, inc. valving and hose (take WIP pics for tutorial)