Author Topic: Clonehead's resin parts for sale list  (Read 277490 times)

Offline Clonehead

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Clonehead's resin parts for sale list
« on: June 05, 2009, 10:20:05 PM »
As alot of you know, I have been casting and selling resin parts on the bay for years, now, and have shipped em all over the globe.
  I figured that it was time to compile my list of parts here, and make them more directly available to you yarders.

Now typically, I charge around $10 for 6 parts on the bay and that sounds about right with the exception of a few parts at the bottom of the list which would count as worth two parts at this rate due to resin consumption, difficulty in cleaning up, or in making the mold. I will mark them as "counts as two"
Basically, it will be a point system. $10 counts as 6 points. most parts count as 1, some count as 2, and a couple count as 3.

Sometimes on the bay, I will give away some free parts with the bigger orders. I will do that here, also. Usually any free parts are random selections from the list.

For payment, I can take paypal,  or, if you must, a money order, or even might trade for hasbro action figure upcs. US shipping usually comes with delivery confirmation and a tracking number.
For the hollow helmets, I will write a designation as to size behind the helmets title denoting what size head they should fit. Helmets that are not hollow are marked as nubbed.

And now, the list:

ROTS at-te tank gunner helmet cover "counts as two"
force unleashed imperial navy commando "nubbed"
force unleashed imperial navy commando hollow "what the heck,, counts as 1"
TVC AT-RT driver Hollow
TVC AOTC Clone Hollow
TVC Commander Fordo alt animated hollow helmet
Battle over Endor Palso Thern Hollow A-wing pilot helmet
Hollow Halo helmet "small/med" counts as 2
TAC Endor Rebel helmet
TVC Dak Rebel pilot/x-wing helmet "small/med"
Vintage collection atat commander helmet hollow "med"
ROTS Cody hollow small

CW Nubbed Phase ii Clone Pilot with nose piece and airbox "counts as 3"
CW hollow phase II clone trooper helmet hollow
CW nubbed Phase II clone trooper helmet
CW Hollow pilot with airbox and separate hoses "counts as 2"
CW hollow spec ops trooper small "counts as 2"
CW hollow arf trooper small "counts as 2"
CW snow ops rex hollow helmet small "counts as 2"
CW atte tank gunner hollow small "counts as 2"
CW Commander Lock hollow small "counts as 2"
CW Commander Lock "nubbed"
CW Special Ops clone trooper "nubbed"
CW phase 2 arc trooper head with separate range finder "nubbed"
CW snow ops rex head and separate helmet "head is nubbed to fit CW removable head nub "counts as 2""
CW Cody hollow small/med
CW Rex hollow small/med with seperate rangefinder
CW space trooper nubbed
CW echo hollow without side lugs small/med
CW swing down visor
CW nubbed 212th clone
CW nubbed turbo tank driver
CW ARF trooper nubbed
cw republic commando nubbed
cw phase 2 wolffe with rangefinder counts as 2

AOTC clone hollow med
Boba fett helmeted head nubbed prototype/animated debut version add rangefinder counts as 2
Barc trooper nubbed
barc trooper with visor nubbed
BAcura nubbed
Flip visor biker scout/kashyyyk trooper with seperate visor nubbed       counts as two
 biker scout/kashyyyk trooper nubbed
atrt driver nubbed
Galactic Marine hollow med
aotc clone nubbed
Airborne trooper hollow med
evo trooper nubbed
jump trooper nubbed
Concept snowtrooper nubbed
Tie pilot hollow med
Jengo fett hollow small with optical rangefinder counts as 2 because of the rangefinder
rots clone hollow med
rots clone nubbed
tac stormtrooper hollow med
heavy gunner hollow med with optical rangefinder
ATAT driver nubbed
scorch nubbed
biker scout hollow small
elite forces mando med with rangefinder counts as 2 because of the rangefinder
CW obi wan aotc helmet hollow large
snowtrooper hollow med large
commander faie hollow med
comic pack faie hollow small Looks kind of like a biker scout
General Veers med large
aotc pilot hollow med
imperial evo set IIgunship pilot hollow Med
Imperial commando Nubbed
Rebel pilot evo 3 a-wing pilot helmet hollow Med
New Legacy concept snowtrooper nubbed
Legacy ATAT driver helmet hollow Med/Large
Comic pack Luke Skywalker pilot helmet small/med
Captain Needa imperial officer hat
Floppy Luke Skywalker Tattooine hat with molded on goggles
legacy hoth rebel trooper hat
tvc endor rebel soldier helmet
tvc rebel fleet trooper ball cap
Lt Jundland imperal officer cap large
TVC Tor trooper small
TVC Tor Shae Vizsla helmet nubbed

TOR Republic Trooper Ammo Pouch
rebel ground crew holster modified to fit rebel fleet trooper pistol
rebel fleet trooper pistol
animated debut boba Fett staff
Marvel universe staff
TVC Commander Fordo Westar Blaster
Republic commando DC-17 rocket launcher rifle
Republic commando DC-17 sniper rifle
Legacy lightsaber "obi wan"
CW flame trooper two piece flame thrower "counts as 2"
CW arc trooper backpack "counts as 2"
Heavy gun from Hunt for Grievous Battle Pack "counts as three" add one point for this one if you want it painted
Tac clone trooper's rifle
CW "fordo's" westar blaster from the arc troopers battle pack
CW clone trooper's rifle
CW Commander Stone's rifle
CW pistol
CW pistol holster "left"
CW pistol holster "right"
ROTS pistol
ROTS pistol holster "right"
Rots pistol holster "left"
POTJ sandtrooper rifle
Cloud City Wing Guard pistol
Cloud City Wing Guard Nightstick
3 piece Republic Commando Scorch backpack "counts as three"
pegged Republic Commando Scorch leg ammo accessory
Galactic Marine backpack
CW Snow Ops Rex backpack with separate antennea
Force Unleashed Imperial Navy Commando Officer Pauldron
snowtrooper backpack
sandtrooper pauldron
sandtrooper ammo pouch
legacy arc trooper ammo pouch
tie pilot chest mounted airbox with mounting peg
ATAT driver chest mounted airbox with mounting peg
evo set II gunship pilot airbox with hoses
Battlefront II set 501st trooper's jetpack "counts as three"
Evo Jengo Fett jetpack "counts as three"
Rebel Fleet Trooper leg ammo piece
Lego backpack
POTJ Endor rebel trooper backpack

gi-joe gear
Dollar Store Cobra Trooper Helmet
tac Joe zombie viper containment helmet
ROC Pitt Commando helmet
Joe TAC Steel Brigade Delta Helmet
Rise of Cobra Paraviper helmet
Rise of Cobra Paraviper goggles
Rise of Cobra Bags and pouches 1-6 "counts as 6"
POC ammo pouches from ally viper "two pieces"
poc general hawk backpack
steel brigade backpack
unknown backpack

Unknown gear pouch or pouch #7 pic below
BBI modern GI ammo pouches

Human heads:
Ganner Krieg. Imperial Knight with pony tail ,would work for a woman's head.
gi-joe 25th v12 baroness
Avengers Black Widow
gi-joe 25th scarlett
gi-joe poc cy girl
gi-joe agent helix
GI-Joe retaliation 3 pack Sgt Airborne ski masked head
TVC tor trooper
TVC Shae Vizsla
CW Wolffe
CW stone
CW cody
CW rex
CW echo
CW Gree
tvc arc commander "fordo" head
tvc aotc clone head
tvc atrt driver heard
battle over endor Palso Thern head
tvc endor rebel head
rots cody
rots Galactic Marine
collector tin clone
commnader faie legacy version
attack on shield gen rebel
legacy obi wan
imp pilot evo set clone pilot "no helmet"
pilot evo set biggs
elite forces set B'arin Apma
elite forces set Llats Ward
elite forces set Dred Preist
elite forces set Mij Gilamar
ROC paraviper
ROC firefly
Dollar Store Cobra Trooper head
Retaliation Joe Trooper Helmeted head
GI Joe Matt Tracker
tac joe Zombie Viper
Marvel universe Punisher
army of darkness helmeted skull
army of darkness zombie head
gi goe shadow tracker skull
gi joe Montezuma's Skull
tac zombie viper neck nub
tac zombie viper hands and forearms fixed without articulation "counts as two"
tac Zombie lower legs and feet articulated 3 parts each counts as 6
Two neck nubs for mounting heads  "counts as one"
cw commander stone neck nub "two pieces counts as one"
tvc clone head neck nub "two pieces counts as one" will work for tvc aotc, atrt, and fordo human heads
tac stormtrooper neck nub "two pieces count as one"
Lego neck nub "two counts as one"

mini rig endor forest ranger front cannon Unpainted counts as 2 or painted for $5

republic gunship replacement aft gun barrel

1 each unpainted or 2 each painted light grey, white, or red
Repbulic Gunship long top missile counts as 3 each unpainted. "these are a pain in the butt to get right"

republic gunship replacement chin missile
unpainted, these replacement parts count as 1 each or painted for $5 per part
republic gunship replacement wing bombs count as 1 each or 5 painted for $10

AT-TE smaller missiles unpainted counts as 1 each
AT-TE large gun missle unpainted counts as 2 each
Turbo Tank side pul-out launcher missiles unpainted counts as 1 each
BMF Falcon quad gun Missiles unpainted counts as 1 each
BMF falcon missliles for the three launchers in between the lights unpainted counts as 1 each
rots jedi starfighter missiles 2 painted for $10
aotc jedi starfighter missiles 2 painted for $10
rots grevious wheel bike missile 1 painted for $5
Kenner Vintage ATAT chin cannon counts as 3 each unpainted $10 for two

Modified one piece helmets:
CW hollow phase 2 Wollfe helmet with moving rangefinder counts as 2
cw hollow republic commando helmet small/med counts as 1
cw phase 2 arf trooper hollow helmet small/med "counts as 1"
CW commander lock helmet hollow small "counts as 2"
CW atte tank gunner helmet hollow small "counts as 2"
CW snow ops rex helmet hollow small "counts as 2"
CW phase 2 arc trooper helmet with separate range finder hollow small-med "counts as 2"
Mixed helmet hollow saga ATAT driver helmet with rots visor med "counts as 2"
mixed helmet General Veers/ Galactic marine  hollow med "counts as two"
mixed helmet tie pilot/aotc clone hollow med "counts as two"
Mixed nubbed republic commando with nose of tie pilot "counts as two"
Hollow republic commando helmet small-med"counts as two"
Hollow arf trooper helmet small-med"counts as 2"
Hollow barc trooper helmet small-med"counts as 2"
Hollow barc trooper helmet with fixed visor small-med "counts as 2"
Hollow Commander Bacura helmet med"counts as 2"
Hollow saga atat driver helmet med"counts as 2"

Boba Fett Solid Cast left and right Wrist Gauntlets counts as 1 each
EE female Mando front chest armor piece. Will need some modification to the receiving figure to work. A little dremel work or carving should do the trick "counts as 2"
ee female mando left and right wrist gauntlets solid cast "two pieces counts as 2"
ee female mando lower leg shin guard plates "two pieces counts as 2"
ee female mando knee guard plates with dart launcher detail "two pieces counts as 2"
ee female mando upper leg thigh plates with strap detail "two pieces counts as 2"
ee female mando back plate "counts as 1"
ee female mando cod piece "counts as 1"
TVC Arc trooper commander "fordo" aotc-style pauldron "counts as 1"
Legacy han in disguise stormtrooper slip-on armor "counts as 2"
vintage collection atat commander slip-on armor "counts as 2"
CW arc trooper pauldron "counts as 2"
CW arc trooper pauldron alt style without chest plate "counts as 2"
saga gen veers slip-on chest armor "counts as two"
tac training clone slip-on chest armor "counts as two"
apartment Fett slip-on chest armor with seperate shoulder pads. "counts as 2"
Apartment Fett slip-on leg armor left and right "counts as 2"
two ROTS clone shoulder pads "counts as 1"
two CW snow ops rex shoulder pads "counts as 1"
Rham Kota chest armor "counts as 1"
ATRT driver chest armor "Counts as 1"
Deluxe Fett front chest armor "counts as 1"
jango solid fore arm gauntlets two pieces counts as 2
jango foot guard plates two pieces counts as 2
jango shin plates two pieces counts as two
jango thigh plates two pieces counts as two
jango knee pads two pieces counts as two
jango cod piece counts as 1
jango larger back plate counts as 1
boba smaller chest plate counts as 1
boba smaller back plate counts as 1

12 inch figure accessories

2 different styles of lightsabers for 12 inch figures
unpainted $7.50 each
Painted $12.50 each im using florescent paint on the blades that is reactive to a black light

Micronauts Baron Karza or force Commander fist missiles left or right and belly missile. each counts as 1

I think that's all of em. did I miss anything? I think that there are 269 parts, here.
this list is subject to change and will grow as I make more molds.

Please PM me with any orders

« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 10:04:43 PM by Clonehead »

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Re: Clonehead's resin parts list
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2009, 05:09:00 PM »
Sweet. You mind me FPing this one? A daggone nice service if you ask me. I would also love to see you cast some of the walker pieces, which I know would be for larger sums due to the cost and time. The last replacement lower guns I bought for a walker were seventeen bucks plus shipping, I would rather send you the money.  Would you also paint the item to suit for a little more deniro?

Offline DocOutlands

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Re: Clonehead's resin parts list
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2009, 05:40:24 PM »
I'm all in favor of this!!

I better start my Christmas list *now*!


Offline Clonehead

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Re: Clonehead's resin parts list
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2009, 08:00:20 PM »
Sweet. You mind me FPing this one? A daggone nice service if you ask me. I would also love to see you cast some of the walker pieces, which I know would be for larger sums due to the cost and time. The last replacement lower guns I bought for a walker were seventeen bucks plus shipping, I would rather send you the money.  Would you also paint the item to suit for a little more deniro?
yes buddy, I have painted them to request for money, before.

sure you can FP about this list. I am sure that it would qualify as some news, especially since I waited so long to post it here.

Lower chin guns, buddy? that is possible.
Might need to find some clear resin to make them clear, though.

Offline Tamer

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Re: Clonehead's resin parts list
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2009, 05:20:30 AM »
Sweet. You mind me FPing this one? A daggone nice service if you ask me. I would also love to see you cast some of the walker pieces, which I know would be for larger sums due to the cost and time. The last replacement lower guns I bought for a walker were seventeen bucks plus shipping, I would rather send you the money.  Would you also paint the item to suit for a little more deniro?
yes buddy, I have painted them to request for money, before.

sure you can FP about this list. I am sure that it would qualify as some news, especially since I waited so long to post it here.

Lower chin guns, buddy? that is possible.
Might need to find some clear resin to make them clear, though.

Yepper, those lower chin guns are the most. Then, there is the bulb cover, the opening canopy, battery cover inside the troop transport area, and the side guns. I am telling you you would have tons of orders for those parts if you wanted them. I guess the canopy would be hard to cast and those side guns too, but the lower cannons and battery covers might be doable. Then, there is the firable missles from the potf walkers. You just never see those listed.

I will work on a FP posting today.  What a great service.

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Re: Clonehead's resin parts list
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2009, 05:30:34 AM »
I will take the smaller walker parts into consideration, buddy. thanks in advance for the FP.

Offline Darth C

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Re: Clonehead's resin parts list
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2009, 08:10:32 AM »
Clint, I am looking for some rebel hoth soldier rifles, can you come up with anything?

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Re: Clonehead's resin parts list
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2009, 08:31:52 AM »
Clint, I am looking for some rebel hoth soldier rifles, can you come up with anything?
From which release, Chad?
  I am not sure if I have a part to make a master or not.

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Re: Clonehead's resin parts list
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2009, 08:44:09 AM »
Clint, Empire, from the trench scene.

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Re: Clonehead's resin parts list
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2009, 09:47:12 AM »
Clint, Empire, from the trench scene.
Um, what I mean, buddy, is vintage, or legacy? I believe that the vintage one came with a strapped rifle.
Plus, there might have been more from other lines like POTF. I am just trying to figure out which rifle you are wanting.

got a pic?

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Re: Clonehead's resin parts list
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2009, 12:13:29 PM »
Not vintage,  just looking for some rebel rifles to use in a trench scene intstead of the smaller ones they come with.

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Re: Clonehead's resin parts list
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2009, 12:15:06 PM »
Oh. I will see what I can come up with, next time I make some molds.

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Re: Clonehead's resin parts list
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2009, 12:20:59 PM »
Sweet. You mind me FPing this one? A daggone nice service if you ask me. I would also love to see you cast some of the walker pieces, which I know would be for larger sums due to the cost and time. The last replacement lower guns I bought for a walker were seventeen bucks plus shipping, I would rather send you the money.  Would you also paint the item to suit for a little more deniro?
yes buddy, I have painted them to request for money, before.

sure you can FP about this list. I am sure that it would qualify as some news, especially since I waited so long to post it here.

Lower chin guns, buddy? that is possible.
Might need to find some clear resin to make them clear, though.

Yepper, those lower chin guns are the most. Then, there is the bulb cover, the opening canopy, battery cover inside the troop transport area, and the side guns. I am telling you you would have tons of orders for those parts if you wanted them. I guess the canopy would be hard to cast and those side guns too, but the lower cannons and battery covers might be doable. Then, there is the firable missles from the potf walkers. You just never see those listed.

I will work on a FP posting today.  What a great service.
  I was wondering which pic you would choose for that FP, Tamer. You chose just the right one, as usual.

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Re: Clonehead's resin parts list
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2009, 12:49:20 PM »
That was a massive order. Had to use that pic. Looks like folks are trying to put orders in. Daggone Battle of Hoth guys anway. Who do they think they are?

Offline Clonehead

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Re: Clonehead's resin parts list
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2009, 01:04:26 PM »
That was a massive order. Had to use that pic. Looks like folks are trying to put orders in. Daggone Battle of Hoth guys anway. Who do they think they are?
This coming from a true hothy fan.............