Due time for another blog update; let's see:
Christmas: Things went really great; I was able to get quite a few gifts I wanted, including a Swiss Army Knife, a new watch, and quite a bit of money to spend. This was the first Christmas I actually went into my own pocket, too, in order to get gifts for my mom, dad, and friends, so it's left me feeling quite generous...
New Year's was fun, too, and as of late, my life's been dominated by school. In hindsight, choosing, "How the Roman Empire's decline allowed for the formation of a United England", as my expository essay topic in ENGLISH (not history) wasn't the best idea. It's time-consuming, and just plain exhausting since I wanted to do it accurately and thoroughly. If I had a nickel for everytime one of the seven kingdoms changed hands with Scandinavians/Danes/Vikings (what have you)...