Hot off the heels of our great TOR Combined Sites Contest we now team up with Clone Crazy for a create a figure for his Photo-Novel Contest.

In this groundbreaking custom contest, sponsored by Imperial Shipyards (ISY), your submissions, based of off Hasbro's popular 3.75' action figure line, will determine the design of an all new character, set to play a major role in the upcoming photonovel:
Star Wars The Clone Wars Shroud Of Darkness: Episode 1.2 Forceful Beings. You may submit brand new custom figures or relevant older customs between
May 1st and June 15th. The contest will be divided into two sections: a fans choice winner, determined by your votes, and an author's choice, selected by CloneCrazy. The winner of the author's choice category will receive a $50 prize and their custom figure featured as the sinister Separatist Scientist, Nicola Acris. The winner of the fans choice category will receive a special Star Wars Hasbro product and their custom figure spotlighted on ISY (In the event of a tie between entries a week long runoff election will be held between the tied entries). Please, only one vote per forum member. Contestants should note, if your figure is selected as the author's choice winner it will become the property of CloneCrazy and must be shipped to CloneCrazy (shipping is your responsibility) , in order to utilize the figure as the character of Nicola Acris in the upcoming photonovel.
Who is Nicola Acris? Nicola Acris is a brilliant, yet demented, Separatist bioengineer under the command of General Grievous. Acris was responsible for the development of much of the cybernetic technology used to resurrect Grievous following his near fatal shuttle crash. Obsessed with harnessing the power of the force for himself, General Grievous enlists the aid of Acris and the two embark on a dark quest to manipulate the body’s midi-chlorian count.
The silhouette is only meant to serve as a promotional piece and in no way limit your creativity!