The action in the last quarter of this season made up for a lot. But the Jedi Council's actions were portrayed in a poor manner. I mean, they just looked at the evidence, which piled up in such staggering amounts, even a blind space slug could've seen Ahsoka was being framed. For being the wisest beings in the galaxy, I expected them to look beyond what was in front of them, you know.
It would've been interesting to see what would've happened if Anakin hadn't found out about Barriss in time. What if he found out days or weeks after Ahsoka's execution? Man, that would've really ticked him off!
Letting Ahsoka walk away instead of die is a pretty smart move by the creators. That way, Ahsoka is free to do and go as she pleases, out of our sights. I can already see the countless EU stories on the horizon. Which is cool, don't get me wrong. She's turned into quite an interesting character and I've seen some awesome fanfic takes on her development as a Jedi, but also as a Sith.
Plus, with Ahsoka out of the picture, the story can focus on Anakin's tale towards the events iin ROTS. Will we get to see more interaction between Mace and Anakin? Or what happened on Cato Nomedia (or what's it's called)?
Lots of ups and downs this season, but overall satisfactory.