Now you just need boots, gloves and the glove-mounted comlink and you're ready for your first troop! Let me know if you have questions about joining your local garrison and general Legion questions... i assume you're joining the Legion, right?
I have a commlink coming and have found the gloves. Not sure how to attach that yet, but I might see if I get them the gloves if they could attach the commlink for me. I have a handle on the boots too (moon boots that I have to change a bit to make them more canon) and I am hoping I can get my wife to sew the harness for me.
I am also in contact with another legion member who is a Driver who is really being a big help. Todd Mullin if that rings a bell and I have already bugged him to death. I tend to get obsessive when I start a project and I am sure he is already wishing he hadn't heard my name! Still, he has answered every question I have had.
As for the 501st, probably I will. It also depends on how active they expect me to be with trooping too. If they expect every month or what not then I probably can't committ to that. I will probably need your help there Sam when I feel I am too that stage. I am also wondering about getting a fan for the inside of the helmet (to cool off) as I would assume it gets real hot in there.
So, a lot of things covered, but still a few loose ends.