Probably the normal white although a grey one is on my short list. I am also hopefully gonna get an AT-AT Gunner Set up and perhaps a snowtrooper sometime too, but thats way in the future. Still if Hasbro keeps up with the way they are going it might be sooner than later.
As for the blaster, Viper Aviator is making me a doopy doos kit and even a scout blaster I do believe if I ever just want to get a white holster and go non-canon.
Right now my focus is on finishing up the mannequin as far as having it ready to accep the flight suit and armor once I get it. I need to cut some of the leg length off to match my height and I just changed the foot set up yesterday to give it a more foot look and it sure supports it better. Then, I plan on using bubble wrap to pad it a bit and am gonna put a pair of white longjohns on it as an undercovering that should look just about right. Of course I will post more pics when I get it to that stage.
Thansk for following my costume journey folks.