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Come on folks!!!!
Jules, just echoing what I've already said over at Yakface, but man your photonovel is just brilliantly stunning. I couldn't imagine the number of layers there are to each picture. What folks don't understand is that putting together a photo of a space battle, if the image you are using doesn't already have (say for example) "after burner glow," then all of that stuff has to be added. All the glows on the walls, floors, etc. on interior shots - that all has to be layered into the shot if it's not already there in the source material.
So, I just couldn't imagine how much time you spend on a chapter - just the visuals; not including working out the dialogue!!
I really like the Imperial base being hidden in the cloud/midst. It reminds me of the Sci-Fi Battlestar Galactica premier where there was an outpost inside some sort of cloud.
Excellent work, great beginning to a new series.