Author Topic: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded 12-28 Lt. Feng!  (Read 85414 times)

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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My original thread hit 100 pages so it is time to start a new one. I am going to recap starting with my newest Mando bucket mod. I started with a Scuba Clone helmet. In the first pic I have removed the top fin, one of the tubes, sanded and primed  the factory bucket.

I started adding Aves Fix-it sculpt to widen the bucket and fill in/get rid of some details.

Next I played around with range finders. I wanted to do something different so this one was inspired by Shea Visla's helmet.

I would like to hear honest opinions on the look of that helmet. I didn't like it and moved on. After looking at it for a while, if it had another small stem under the point of atachment it might look OK...

So this is what I moved on to. I used Roberto's staple rangefinder stem like on his Boba Fett. I cut a 1/2" heavy duty staple in half so I havd 2 "L" shaped pieces, that will make 2 rangefinders. I cut the plastic stem off of a factory rangefinder, sliced a slot in it for the staple, cut about 1/8" off the staple for proper height then glue the 2 pieces together. Let that dry then use a dremel with a cut off wheel, non serated, and grind the bottom end of the staple on both sides until it is almost round. Drill a hole in your helmet and insert the rangefinder.

Now I painted everything black and dry brushed it with silver.

Next I have used a stippling technique adding dark gray then a dull red.

I used a golden orange color for the details around the visor.

So what do you think, is it looking like a Mand helmet or a clone?
« Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 05:34:27 PM by Luke Sprywalker »

Offline ghostskull18

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Re: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded!
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2012, 03:42:34 PM »
Awesome! great job!

Offline BL4CK5H33P

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Re: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded!
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2012, 04:00:30 PM »
Very Mando-like looks GREAT... I am curious 'bout the stipplin' technique.. is it like lightly pokin'/stabbin' the surface w/ a kinda drybrush technique...?
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Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded!
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2012, 06:23:09 PM »
OK I fixed one of the pics, the one with the question about the alternate look.Ghostskull18 and BL4CK5H33P thanks, and have a look at the pic and let me know what you think. What I do is dip my brush in the paint and wipe it off in a McDonalds condiment cup, hey they are free! Then you kind of poke at the surface all over. In some cases I start with strokes like drybrushing then use this technique. Stippling is creating a pen and ink drawing by using dots, so it was a loose use of the term.

Offline Darth Optimus

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Re: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded!
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2012, 08:26:24 PM »
Ok, I am really digging the new bucket mod. I actually prefer the 1st, non-standard rangefinder. It could be a comm antenna or a sensor enhancer. The bucket itself looks like an "Evolutions" piece... Clone Trooper to Mando (which is ironic, since the clone buckets were based on Jango's). We know that several ARCs and RCs went "native" and ended up on Mandalore, so maybe this bucket was a clone helmet from a "stray" who modified it to be more mando'a. It'd be neat to see it on a fig whose armor reflected that also, but that's just me.   Anyhow, awesome job as always. And get to work on that Trando Mando bucket next, LOL.

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Re: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded!
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2012, 05:58:48 AM »
Spry, I think it looks great. I have to admit I like the standard range finder you have on it better than the other. I think that tube coming off the helmet and the new sculpt work looks good too. Time to take this to the front page.

Offline BL4CK5H33P

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Re: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded!
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2012, 06:11:20 AM »
I agree w/ Tamer on the rangefinder - I kinda figured that was how the stipple technique was achieved & I also use little "freebie" paint cups... mine are sourced from sugar free drink mixes - lol
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Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded!
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2012, 07:04:37 AM »
Looking great!  Can't wait to see the finished product.

Offline r1bb1t

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Re: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded!
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2012, 09:40:05 AM »
First off, congrats on 100 pages of cavity inducing sweet customs.
I'm really digging this Mando. As I scrolled through the pix, I kept thinking "that sick mother f......"
Love that paintwork and how you applied each layer to all blend into pure deliciousness.
I love the staple range finder much better than the 'horn' looking one. Roberto is full of great ideas.
Beautiful work on the sculpting there, Dayto.... I mean, L.E..
I think you just gave me what my physician describes as 'custom lovers diabetes.'
Thanks. :(


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Re: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded!
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2012, 12:01:36 PM »
r1bb1t, you absolutely slay me with your commentary!

That said, I have to be honest: I liked the sleek look of the helmet before you added in the fix-it sculpt.  That's just me though.  As for the staple range finder, it's perfect!  No silly bends in the plastic, which really pops.  I also love the color choices and techniques.  It's a gorgeous looking bucket, to be sure.

Offline JediMerc

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Re: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded!
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2012, 02:11:19 PM »
Looking very nice, indeed.  I agree with what many have already said: the use of the staple range finder looks much sturdier than the TOR-styled one.  (I'm always a sucker for that "used future" look we grew up with watching the OT...)

Personally, I think that the sculpted sides add more of a flared Mando look to the helmet.   The scuba helmet itself is a nice piece to begin with, but the slight touches you've added take this more to the Mando side of things.  The use of the breather tube differentiates this from other Mandos I've seen and slides more toward the evolution of the Mando helemt.  I see this almost as "Mandolorian" modifications to a clone helmet, so I expect---and like---the different look you're creating.

Light side, dark side...meh.  Just give me a lightsaber and a blaster and I'll take care of it!

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Re: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded!
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2012, 05:27:30 PM »
I really liked that Shea Visla's range finder on this helmet, it gave it an original yet cool tie in with the past. I think the helmet would have had to been grinded in a bit on the sides though to make it more narrow in order to really make it look right with that Shea range thingy. Basicly I think it would look good on the original helmet before you modified the sides, so in the end you have made the right decission switching to the more common Boba style range finder. But saying that I don't know what direction your going with the rest of the figure, can't wait to see this figures progress :) 100 pages amazing!!!
« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 05:55:03 PM by wheeljack »

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Re: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded!
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2012, 12:04:19 PM »
Looks great to me either way. This is an awesome custom Mando.

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Re: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded!
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2012, 02:57:06 PM »
Hell yeah.....looks freaking sweeeeeeeet

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: Luke Sprywalker's Custom Action Figures Reloaded!
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2012, 04:23:49 PM »
Thanks so much for the kind words guys.

Wheeljack, I agree with everything you said. I also have another scuba clone I could open.

JediMerc and Darth Optimus, thanks guys. Both of your comments pretty much outline my thoughts of what I wanted this to look like. Very well put, an evo Mando look.

Barry, you my friend are a wordsmith. Thanks my friend.

Sorry for the lack of updates on this figure. I have 2 bodys I was working with but not sure I like either one. I am liking DO's idea of modified clone armor at this point. It seems it would be a good tie in with the helmet. Sadly, this has been put on hold for a few months. Some things have developed that require me to switch gears for the next 2 months. Expect some WIP pics of a Tatooine wave of figures in the next day or so. I have been doing a lot of research for this project as I want these to be 100% screen accurate, or as close as I can get. Many of these are just parts swaps then repaints as so many of the outfits were reused for other characters. Some I have a bit of sculpting to do so they will take a little longer. Also there are many small changes, such as one time the bandoleer is on the right and next shot it is on the left. So I will post reference shots I used to recreate these characters. Hope to snap some wip pics this evening, stay tuned!