Dude, that road warrior is just awesome! Tell us about the leg brace?
Leg brace made from 4 lengths of stainless steel wire,about .7mm dia. On one end of each of the lower lengths I formed a 90 degree bend,to fit inside the loop formed on the ends of the upper brace. Fixed wire in place with some rapid set epoxy,aligned one side at a time as it was setting to give some degree of movement but not too much.....due to biker induced roadside 'kneecapping'.
The leather straps formed from thinly rolled strips of milliput (similar to fix-it) ,secured and dried. Dremelled in some creases to the leather,dark basecoat of brown,black,vermillion and yellow washes for effect.
The head started as a tac jango,didn't look mean enough so swapped out for tycho celchu......hair coloured,tan was for the face......dry brushed in some grey sideburns.
Base figure was a snake eyes,the version that comes with a 3/4 length coat,left arm I thing is a gi joe that originally came with yellow hair,flesh colour shirt,green legs,tan knees,tan boots......duke maybe? Spliced the arms between shoulder and elbow with 2mm dowel and epoxy. Putty to blend in the joint.
Milliput for armour sculpting,gi joe modified crossbow,handmade sawn off shotgun and holster,handmade the spanner from nickel costume jewellery chain and a chopped and shaped bit of thin plastic. Arrow sheath from a hawkeye I think.
Good fun doing this,looking into possible 1:18 donors for the falcon xb interceptor........not cheap,not having much luck finding similar kits yet.
Thanks for the feedback on him,mad max is a legend......looking forward to Tom Hardy in MM4 thunder road,I think he'll pull off a cracking job.