As soon as I saw this pirate in "Revival", the premiere episode of the The Clone Wars fifth season, I knew I wanted to make him. I can't really explain it, but he immediately became my favorite pirate in Hondo's pirate gang. Especially after his appearance in the Jedi youngling arc later in the year. There was something about his look that really caught my eye. I felt like he was exactly what I needed to diversify the look of our custom Pirate Gang collection and I wanted to take on the challenge.
When I looked at all the Star Wars figures that had been released over the years, I realized that I couldn't really find a decent base figure to make it happen. I settled on a Marvel action figure of "Thing" from the Fantastic Four. I say settled, because I feel like this action figure is a little too tall to be screen accurate. When I weighed my options for reducing his height, I decided that I risked compromising articulation and the integrity of the figure if I really made a fuss and I decided to leave the figure as is. From there I completely sanded and resculpted an entirely new figure on top of what was present and made an entirely new action figure.
I really love the way he came out and I couldn't be happier with the overall results. I'm not really sure how many more pirates I will do in the future, now that this one is finished. I guess only he future can tell. Hope you all enjoy the holiday weekend and be safe out there!
created by Darth DaddyCheck the link for more pics, how it was done and some new pirate group shots: