Oh my word! I cannot believe how long it has been since I posted here. I promise I have not forgotten ISY or anyone here; I've spent the last four months finishing up university work, which took precedence. As of Friday, I now officially have a Master's Degree in astrophysics
I'm just going to do a bulk post of the pictures, which are worth posting, that I've done since then. Granted, there aren't that many. I've been testing out a new outlining style, which I'm happy with; however I'm still experimenting on the colouring.
Since the release of Insider 147, my original "Chibi Neimoidian" picture desperately needed updating. I'm amazed at how many have names now!
A quick "chibi" piece I did for my Tumblr of Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan from TCW. When I reopen my requests/commissions, I will be offering these for $5 each (includes a character of choice, star colour, and background colour and style)
A quick sketch of a Neimoidian OC from an RP I'm doing with a friend.
A work--in-progress of a Neimoidianised Elsa
I hope this piece is okay for here; I posted it in some stricter places, and they were alright with it. This was my Easter picture; I also did a St. Patrick's Day piece, but it involved a fully naked Neimoidian, covered by a strategically-placed clover leaf, so I'll leave that off ISY, and just keep it on my deviantART.
A piece I did for Toby Longworth's birthday (he voiced Lott Dod). He seemed to like it
My most recent piece for Father's Day.