Author Topic: Mando armor opinions  (Read 1801 times)

Offline DocOutlands

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Mando armor opinions
« on: June 29, 2009, 03:45:15 PM »
Does it all look the same?  Really?

The original Mandalorian for us was Boba Fett.  Then there was Jodo Kast, created by WEG to be a "stand-in Fett" for gamers playing post-Sarlacc Pit, who wanted people to assume he was Boba Fett - so identical armor makes sense.  Then there's Jango Fett - and it makes sense that Boba would have patterned his armor after that of his dad.  But after that... ok, Shysa Finn and Tobbi Dala appeared in Marvel's pages looking like recolored Fett clones (pun unintended, but left in there), right?  Why?  Does that mean ALL Mando armor looks exactly alike?  Hasbro would have us believe it with the Mando packs, wouldn't they?

But... SHOULD they?

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Re: Mando armor opinions
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2009, 04:02:52 PM »
My opinion is No

 From what I gather from my reading, that there is a variation of styles, with a main theme. But it apears that by some authors, the armor is an evolving and a heritage piece as well, if that makes sense. So I feel that many may be similar none are identical. Look at the evolution of a clone to stormie helmet with the variation that now are common, I feel Mando armor would be the same, take from the best and adapt that to what suits the individual.

Offline narceron

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Re: Mando armor opinions
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2009, 09:01:24 PM »
I'll go with KOTOR and galaxies, I think they have certain similarities, but I also think various craftsmen probably made pretty varied sets, :)

Offline spudafett

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Re: Mando armor opinions
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2009, 04:23:24 AM »
have you seen my custom mandos... I try to make sure there are variations. 

I would think that most of their armor would be similar, especially within familial lines.  I have always had the idea that there would be specific types of armor designed for specific environments and tasks.   

it was always said that boba fett's armor was cobbled together from different sources and was "what was left of a once great warrior nation"...  of course I think that the whole "last of the mando's" idea died with most eu books and comics. 

Offline DocOutlands

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Re: Mando armor opinions
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2009, 07:15:57 AM »
Yeah, um, I'm pretty sure that "what remains" idea is looooong dead by now.  Plus, given the season 2 teaser we have of the clone wars, with 4 mandos dressed almost identically and all looking like Fett, it looks like Lucasfilm is establishing the Fett armor as the de facto standard.

And no, I haven't seen your custom Mandos, to the best of my knowledge.

Offline spudafett

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Re: Mando armor opinions
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2009, 04:28:27 PM »
i think all my mandos are in my customs thread somewhere.... 

i saw that trailer too and they did have almost identical outfits.  I think though that's lucas and hasboro's collaboration so that hasboro doesn't have to make different molds for the different characters... hell they've used boba and jango parts to do almost ALL the male mando figs!  at least we got a unique female mando sculpt out of them... I just wish they werent such a rare exclusive..

dang, I just had the thought that I wanted to suggest for the fan's choice vote.  Probably wouldn't have been eligable though since it's not a figure... The Bassalisk war droid needs to be made badly!  hell they could even do it as a TFU exclusive...

Offline XizorsVirago

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Re: Mando armor opinions
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2009, 10:43:09 PM »
I agree about having a basic theme but personalized to the wearer... Most importantly, you do want to be recognizable as a mando, so you'd want to keep the most notable things the same (helmet, chestplate, etc), but the details could still be changed quite a bit without making your armor unrecognizable. As for the armor looking -exactly- like jangobobajodo, I do think that's just for marketing of toys. Easier to repaint than re-sculpt, so of course they'd take the easy way out. Tell an artist not to worry about cost, though, and you'll get recognizable but not identical.

Offline dana.raye.smith

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Re: Mando armor opinions
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2009, 11:01:26 PM »
I always thought the variations would be brought about by the smith.... armor maker.
Basic size and shape and how they are put together would basically be the samesince all are taught the same ways to manufacture... not wholesale unless in a state of war and being paid well. But they also know the value of their materials. 
Looking in midevil times in our histories, the materials and the end product were as much the same as possible for ease of maintenance and repair, as well as a kind of uniformity.
They dont all want to be the same, hence the colors and accoutrements(weapons all over), but you need basics for self sustainig repairs with modifications as they become necessary. It grows and changes with wear and use.
The only major differences I thought about was along the lines of body type, like different races that arent as human in shape or size. Had to happen, they comment on the fact that Mandalorians are not from Mandalore, they choose to be Mandalorian. And many have chosen to be, or they would not still be around.
There are stories but none come to mind. Look up Jaing on wookieepedia and there should be an article about an alien bounty hunter/mandalorian who trains Durge or something like that. Might be wrong but one makes me think of the other(BH=Mando).

Offline spudafett

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Re: Mando armor opinions
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2009, 12:22:53 AM »
I saw a comic snipet back a while ago where a bunch of "new recruit" mando's were being initiated into the mandalorian culture.  Among them was a gungan wearing mando armor but no helmet...  The mandalorian in charge asks him who he is and before he can say "jar-jar bin..." the mandalorian shoots him and says "the most important rule is NO GUNGANS"....
I have no idea what comic that was in but I saw it somewhere on wookiepedia I think... might have been another star wars site... 

anyway, I was thinking about getting the new evolutions rebel pilot pack for the twi-lek pilot and taking her helmet and modifying it into a mandalorian style helmet for twi-leks...  I would like to find one of the EE exclusive female mando's to swap the head to but I doubt I will....

On another note I would also think that mando armor would reflect a person's wealth.  IE the more money you have the more expensive armor you can afford.  Mandalorian ore is said to be expensive so I am sure that armor qualities differ for varying markets.  So Social status might be another thing that armor reflects, not just lineage or familial ties.

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Re: Mando armor opinions
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2012, 01:32:20 PM »
"The Mandalorians wear the finest armor blood can buy..." - Count Dooku - I feel that Mandalorian armor NEEDS to be indvidualized to the wearer & even further specialized to the task or mission - but it needs to be instantly recognizable also - & just like any swordsmith, each armorsmith has a signature style... just like any Jedi or Sith has to construct his own personalized lightsaber - it just makes the SWverse a much richer place to imagine...
Once more into the fray, into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live & die on this day. How we die is equal to how we live. Once more into the breach, my friends, once more, or we close the walls up with our dead...